@thefyeman @lunaticrichard Is it the best game ever ? No ! Is it the best game ever made ? No !
Naturally it has flaws , but overall it is a good game . We've seen higher marks for games far less polished then this , with far more problems ( COD , BF etc ,etc ...) It deserves a good grade, even if you don't like the game on your personal preference's , you have to admit to these points if you have any understanding of what games are .
You may not like what it offers , but that is not the game's fault . It is what it is ....
Sorry Kevin , but no matter what you think about Destiny , giving the game a 6 is rediculous ! You can hate the gameplay , the rpg lite input , the lacking story . All that is cool . But if you take your job serious and even more ; you want people to take you serious , you can not give Destiny a 6 ! EVER !!!
Even if you hat everything Bungie stands for , Destiny is not a 6 game . It is simply not that bad . if you can detach your personal view a bit , you should see that it does everything it said it would do , with no major hick ups or problems ! In this day and age that alone should earn it an 8 ! ( okay 6.8 then ) because no major game has pulled of what Bungie did on launch , the last 2 years and more ! Do i even need to go into gameplay , innovation on console , multiplayer etcetera etcetera .....
Yes , i am a Bungie fan . But i still can see the faults with every game they put out . it doesn't blind me or set me in my views , and i am not even a gamejournalist / pr person / gamesite employee ! Are you so blinded by the negative , that you can't bring yourself to see the good ???
I rate Destiny an 8 out of 10 . Its not the best game ever , not the worst , it is a good , decently made game and it tried new things on consoles . those 3 points are worth an 8 minimum .
So please show yourself a good and honest reviewer and earn people's respect by doing Destiny right .
Sounds very ambitious and promising . I hope it's not PR bs .... Since i never played the Wastelands games , i can't say if the original was as full of choice and consequences as he said , but i do hope they make it happen because it will be interesting to play i imagine .
You're right . It always depends on the person . It's the same if you let a crazy person play football or games , he's crazy so his acts are going to be crazy .
Plain and simple .
That goes for everything in life .
But there is one strange factor going on and that is Amerika .
Amerika is one ( or maybe even THE ) of the most violent society's in the western world ! So is it save to say that Americans are more violent then the rest of the west ???
It is offcourse a cultural issue for the most part . Especially the eagerness to have guns / weapons drives people to use them more easily i think .
To me the research looks a bit dodgy and doesn't make a good point one way or the other .
also the group of tested people is way too small to say any thing about anyone . But that is my opinion on a lot of studies these day's . I mean ; How can you make a statement about what people do or like if you only test 100 or a 1000 people ? To me that's just unbelievable .
I know that's the way these studies are done , but i just don't agree on the basic presumption that they make running these studies .
@dpsuurhoff But it's never reasonable ! If you buy a game, you own it . period !
Now Microsoft is selling the same game twice .and the owner doesn't get anything . how is this fair ? If i want to sell MY game , witch is paid for in fiull and Microsoft is charging the buyer to pay,then they kill second hand games and that's what this is about .
See what people will say if you try this with tv's or cars ! We can count on a minimal fee of 15$ per game and up .
I think that this will lose them the hardcore game fans , and may kill " The One".
lunaticrichard's comments