lutarian's comments

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@Cozm1kaos @Skysscreams I personally never liked WOW. I always thought it was sort of mindless but than again you need to realize I am into RPG games. So that is why I thought most MMO's failed is no many aspects. GW2 seems like a combo of an MMO/RPG which is probably why I like it so much. However, I have put in alot of hours in nearly every MMO to try and like them and I can tell you there is nothing like GW2....well..except maybe TSW but they ruined it for me with their crappy combat system.

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@Skysscreams Play GW2 with an open mind for some period and you will see WOW has nothing on this game. Nothing at all.

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@f1tz I have actually spent many, many hours in the game during the beta. There is nothing generic about it at all. Quest system is different, advancement is different, combat is different, etc. I could go on and on. This is an actual innovative mmo that sets itself apart from the rest. One thing that blows my mind is that there is an actual underwater world. There are underwater cave system to traverse and explore and complete underwater cities. Buy the game and play it for a period of time and you will see.

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Four more days till launch. Oh yea! What race and class are you guys planning on rolling first?

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It's NOT more of the same CRZYPWR. It's totally different than any other MMO. You might know that if you actually had played the beta and put in some time. You should never judge a game by a video or a demo.

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@tharionwind Now Eve is pretty good imho IF people have the patience for it due to it learning curve.

EQ1. Aw. Brings me back. Everyone tries and says that all the mmo's are copying wow. However, wow copied nothing from EQ1 or DAOC? Ha. Of course they did.

AOC. Could have been great. Loved the starting area and from there is just went down hill fast.

WOW, LOTRO, Rift, EQ2....enjoyed for a very brief period of time but got bored fast.

Vindictus. Now I will admit I had fun with that game. Loved the combat mechanics, the bosses and how I could destroy the environment but running the same area over and over for different quests got old.

GW1 I enjoyed for a bit but there was something missing for me.

For years ( I am 44) I have been talking about how an MMO needs fast paced combat, chains, cut scenes, voice acting (including your character) a good story, etc. and FINALLY two came out that are doing it. TSW (minus your toon speaking and the cool combat) and GW2.

Can't wait till it is released. Maybe you and I could team up some time. So far I enjoy the Asura and the Humans the most.

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I just spent the entire weekend playing the beta and this is HANDS DOWN the BEST MMO I have ever played.

The graphics, music, sound, story, combat, questing, etc. are just plain fun and superior to anything currently out. I even mapped my 360 controller using xpadder to play the game and it was smooth as silk.

One word of advice though. If you buy it and find the the graphics suck then tweak the setting. If you find they still suck then get a new graphics card. With a nice card and the graphics set up a few notches the game is gorgeous.

For all the WOW fan boys...don't bash it. Instead buy it, learn it, put in some time and you will enjoy it.

Once again. BEST MMO I have ever played. Great PVE and great PVP!

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