I pick up the first mod you get for the smg on mars go to the work bench and there is no option to put mods on also got a few more on mars and tried to put them on on the ship no luck no option to put mods on
lxBlackRainxl's forum posts
Beat the game watched the credits bonus ending and such goes to load chapter 13 and just keeps on loading tried system cache installing and uninstalling the game anyone else have this too?
Still getting tons of dexterity drops maybe it's like this because blizzard is trying to force you to trade with others for gear
So i cant be the only one who has noticed that almost every drop is for a monk or demon hunter doing act 4 of nightmare and at least 80% of all the yellow drops me and my buddy have found up to this point add dexterity. i get they are the new classes and blizzard wants you to play them but this is getting ridiculous now......................
Getting like 25-45 fps on high settings sometimes even lower than 25 in crossfire wondering if thats normal or if its time to upgrade other specs are intel i7 2.8 and 12gb ramm
What is this ad block you speak of lol I could really use it tired of seeing ads on twitch tv and youtube and such
Am I the only one who's making mental notes of all the products you see on the internet in ads? All these ads to is just insure that I personally will never be buying their product anyone else agree?
So I just borrowed DR2 from a buddy and he lent me the collectors edition strategy guide i get to case 5-1 and the guide says to do tape it or die 1 but it doesnt work doors locked constantly so i read up about it apparently they decided making only having 8 survivors or soemthing on the map at a time a smart choice thing is im getting texts from stacey that dont happen in the strategy guide for like 5 pages why is that? and i guess that means im completely screwed on finishing the game through the strategy guide
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