So i started a new game with a new character and noticed that all my war assests from the other character are on this one and now i cant collect the artifact i need for doing the weapons thing for general oraka just wondering if this is normal or if its bugged cause id like to collect the bonuses again all i find when i scan now is gas >
lxBlackRainxl's forum posts
Was just curious if anyone knows how to access the sountrack and digital art book from the digital deluxe edition off origin i'm sure you get the weapons and such when you get to your ship and get to walk around for the first time but i don't know how to get access to the digital art book and the sountrack would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help thanks :)
what's the best nvidia card you can get right now or one close that isnt ridiculously expensive cause im done with amd and there trash driver updates and the constant issue with almost every single big title that comes out its not even worth it anymore
So they said that they improved the crossfire performance for saints row 3 LOL so then why is it exactly the same as when i went on 3 days ago such horse **** im done with this garbage company dont even know how they're still open
I've also tried putting it to auto detect which for some reason they think my computer can only run this game at medium with everything at low which still leaves the frame rate at 20-40 tops very disapointing and the game is unplayable at this point for me i didnt buy it on my computer to have it play worse than the 360 and ps3 versions
i tried turning off crossfire and it didnt do anything although i did find a forum of other people having these issues it looks like its an amd related problem again and some people are having issues while ive heard that some aren't guess im one of the un lucky ones yay looks like i get to wait 2 months to play the game while those guys work on a driver update to fix it like they're doing with skyrim.... fail think its time to get nvidia
So i just played saints row 3 and everything was going good was getting 80-60 fps from the start dipped into 55 a few times which i can handle then i hit the street for the first timeit instantly went to 25-40 im running ati radeon 5870s with crossfire 12 gb of ram and intel i7 quad core at 2.8 ghz i tried turning crossfire off and running the game at the lowest settings and the frame rate still stayed at 25-40 anyone else having this issue or is it a day one bug for ati cards like it is with skyrim right now?
I downloaded mine today and it only took about 35 minutes although i am paying for the best internet our cable company offers which gives me a dl speed of 3mb/s perhaps your internet provider was screwing up today or steam was overloaded with downloads?
if you really want to get into mvc3 buy an arcade fight stick they are a bit expensive around 100$ i think but it makes the game so much easier. for the combos do the mission mode it teachs you most of the moves for all the characters
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