thanks for sharing and glad you are having fun regardless of what the critics are saying. I agree with you btw. The game is fantastic, sure it has issues but what game doesn't especially a RE game. As gamers we can overlook such things and find fun
m0ney78's forum posts
Kevin very clearly has a bug up his butt with capcom games in general. It saddens me that this one guy is going to turn multiple people off an awesome game.
lol why? Who cares about these whiners. No one is forcing them to pay attention to RE or buy them. They've been crying for years now and every RE they come back to the forums to cry some more for all we know secretly buying them anyway like Bioware fans do. RE sells, Capcom doesn't need these fake fans anymore than we do
RE5 - storyline-wise... more of a filler. SepticTank53
We have the derp quote of the day there. lol. wow. RE5 is heavy on story and explains and does so much it's not even funny. RE1, RE2, CV, and RE5 is all you really need for story the rest are minor pieces. To call RE5 'filler' makes you look like a total fraud
Its like Michael Bay - on his worst day. Cheap F-Rate action. I can tell from the trailer alone that its (Poorly) over-written, like 18 Steven Seagal DTV's rolled into one, noisy mess.
What is this garbage?
You are obviously not a long time fan or you would have mentioned. Gaiden, Outbreak, Survivor and many other entries.
how many stupid people are there on these forums...
the 320 IS crap sure it can play at that resolution but it can also do 1080p the problem is that ur games will NOT be able to do high textures very soon and your going to wish you had atleast 640
remember graw people and other games that NEEDED 512 to run max textures well its the same here 320 is lacking big time and not worth the money unless your a casual.
I bet you feel stupid almost a year later and the 320mb can still run games at max at that resolution (except for Crysis, but no videocard can) Now the 9800's are coming not to mention the new GT and GTS cards replaced the card you reccommended lol.
Def Jam Fight for NY 7/10
Fight Night Round 9/10
Burnout Legends 5/10
Monster Hunter Freedom 6/10
Daxter 4/10
Untold Legends 1, 2 6.5/10
Tekken DR 8.5/10
Killzone Liberation 8/10
MGS Portable OPs 9/10
Braveheart NT 9/10
Jeanne D'Arc 9/10
1. FFVII Crisis Core
2. God of War
3. FF Dissidia
4. Rezel Cross
5. Dragoneer's Aria
I haven't got Jeanne D'Arc but that would be on my list as well
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