m0ney78's forum posts
Check this people I went and got myself a PS3kreemghandour
All I need to read. grats
Here's a list compiled at Gametrailers
Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Puzzle Quest, FF1, Kingdom of Paradise, Syphon Filter DM, MGS Portable Ops, Lumines, MGS Acid, Killzone Liberation, Wipeout, Burnout Dominator, GTA LC & VC, Tekken DR, DJ Max, Monster Hunter Freedom, Chile Con Carnage and many more like Prince of Persia
..So you're happy and in love with Sony because they are giving you a refurbished PS3? BeErBOnG29
Unlike the competitors I believe Sony fixes their problems not hides them with warranties
I had 4 but put 2 of them up on ebay.
Sellin - MLB07 The Show, Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Have - Resistance, The Darkness
The Darkness
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
MLB 07 The Show
It seems that there are no games worthty of compelling the masses to purchase the console. Are there any games beside the remade xbox Sigma and the 9 month old games motorstorm and resistance because thats all there is.
If you don't have a PS3 all games regardless of its a launch title or not is new for you and still a reason to purchase the console. btw motorstorm came out in March, hardly 9 months
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