m0ney78's forum posts
No, sir. That is Mistwalker. Mistwalker's "killer app" if you will, Hironobu Sakaguchi (I don't know his actual position in the company) created at least ff 1-8, possibly 9 and 10 as well, I can't recall. But it's not Squeenix. They fired Sakaguchi after the failure that was FF:Spirits Within. Same company also made Blue Dragon and is making Cry On.PandaSamurai
He wasn't fired. He stated he felt humiliated by the film and quit. Sakaguchi created Mistwalker. He's the president of the company and director of their games.
Summer ends Sep 23rd this year? Here's my list
Must Have - The Darkness, Mass Effect, UT3, Dark Sector, Blacksite, Too Human (Hopefully)
Might be Good - Stranglehold, Elveon, Bioshock, Project Sylpheed, Juiced 2, Eternal Sonata, Turok, Blue Dragon
Rental/Demo - Overlord, Two Worlds, Bladestorm, Tenchu z, DiRT
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