go consoles, from what ive seen from your posts around here you are more of a console guy then a pc gamer(not calling you a fanboy i just think you are going to enjoy console games more)
if you decide going pc(i would) a few things you should know,
you dont need a watercooling device, they are over priced and arent really needed unless you overclock, which i dont recomend.
you can find cheaper cases for less money that will fit into that space.
you can also find cheaper Rams
aside from that a great rig and the prices seem to be about ok.
Won't it get pretty hot in that little confined space ? I'd rather be safe than sorry.
That RAM was about as cheap as it gets for that speed.
[QUOTE="kingpoopa84"]Whoa I didn't want to start a flame war all I wanted to know was didn't they both get the same score. But 7.5 is a very good score and they both look good.sam280992
Buuuutt on gamerankings Ratchet has 90.6% and Naruto has 78.3% :)
But one persons opinion means more than the opinion of over 30 people :cry:
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