Lmao shut up, I post pics, I post articles. And I share my first hand experiencegio never seems to actually provide proof of anything
m3Boarder32's forum posts
[QUOTE="Lumpy311"][QUOTE="m3Boarder32"] Irrelevant to me, my console setup is superior to your PC setupAmazonTreeBoa
Your graphics are still shit and your res is still 720p.
You lose.
He lost along time ago when he made my block list due to his ignorance. He keeps going on about a setup he doesn't even have when even if he did have it, my PC would still be better. No matter what his fake setup is, his console is all that matters because it is what produces the graphics for his fake setup. I can hook my PC to that same fake setup. Lmao this kid is in denialThat my console setup > everyone's PC setup on this thread And that image quality is only as strong as its weakest link, for every hermit ITT that would be there shirty inferior LCD monitors[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="princeofshapeir"] And what sort of point does that prove? menes777
LOL dumbass :lol:
LCD is garbage, my 1440p IPS monitor gets curb stomped by my 1080p PlasmaStop using shit monitors[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="menes777"]
You are talking screen quality not graphical quality. Going by your logic you could hook up an Atari 2600 and it would be better looking because of that criteria. :roll:
Hmmm seems you need to invest some more in that reading comprehension. Playing a Genesis on that monitor is somehow better because of that criteria? LOL that criteria is not useful in the graphical world. In the realm of movies and maybe picture viewing (which it always shows in it's demos) yes but not for improving graphical quality.
Stop playing games on inferior displaysNope my console games look better on my Plasma than PC games do on my 1440p monitor. That's why I also have a PC for my Plasma[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="nunovlopes"]
m3Boarder32 fails to understand a fundamental difference between real life images and video game images.
TVs are mostly used for presenting real life images. Real like is kind of naturally anti-aliased, and motion captured by a camera is naturally motion blurred. A DVD has obviously less detail than a Bluray, but you don't have aliasing issues, the image is smooth, it's just that it has less detail. If a person is reading a book, in the DVD version you won't be able to discern individual letters, whereas in the Bluray version you will. But overall the image is smooth. I actually think 720p for movies is usually ok.
Video game images are very different. You will have significant aliasing issues if no AA is applied or if resolution is too low. Resolution is key in video game images. Other things such as blacks, color accuracy, etc. are important but not as important since you're not looking at a real life picture any way. When looking at a video game image, how do you notice if color accuracy isn't 100% perfect?
Maybe, but even so, THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S THE SAME SOURCE MATERIAL WITH THE SAME RESOLUTION. It's being upscaled to 1440p, it's not NATIVE 1440p, HUGE difference. Put Crysis 3 running on your console on your plasma, side-by-side with Crysis 3 running on a high-end PC on a 1440p and you'll throw away your precious plasma.
No dummy. I have two PC's and both with a GTX 670. One for the 1440p monitor (for strategy games now) and one for the Plasma. The source material on the 1440p monitor is 1440p native gamesNot really, I have the items necessary to validate my claims. Unlike you[QUOTE="m3Boarder32"][QUOTE="menes777"]
That really invalidates your argument that your console looks better on your Plasma if you can just as easily hook up your PC to it too. :roll:
You are talking screen quality not graphical quality. Going by your logic you could hook up an Atari 2600 and it would be better looking because of that criteria. :roll:
Stop using shit monitors
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