maa4208 Blog
Finals and such.......
by maa4208 on Comments
Well, because of finals and me having to turn things in, I won't be active today and tomorrow. I am really sorry. Also, my computer is really slow right now. So, that is also affecting it. Well, I'll be here and there. Wednesday and Thursday I should be active because they are early release days.
Thats about it.
Mike (maa)
Blog: 5/21/06
by maa4208 on Comments
I had a disc golf tournament today. I am really tan. :P I didn't do too well, only because it was windy.
Well, I wasn't on because of that. I'll talk more later. I have to go to bed.....:P
Thats about it.
Mike (maa)
Blog: 5/20/06
by maa4208 on Comments
Ok, I am kind of confused. I think I miss her. I want to talk to her now. She still likes me, and I still have feelings for her. I don't have any hard feelings against her. I may call her tomorrow. But, there is this other girl that I talked about who is flirting with me. I don't know if she is just playing or what, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. *Sigh* Stupid emotions...... Tomorrow, I have a disc golf tournament, so I won't be on much at all. Just a heads up. I'll check in tomorrow morning, then see how everything went here when I get back. Keep everything in order while I'm gone, ok?
Well, I posted alot today. I made alot of things in Photoshop for other people. That was about it for my GS life....
Well, thats about it.
Mike (maa)
Blog: 5/19/06
by maa4208 on Comments
Well, today was pretty cool. She wasn't at school today, but she called me later on. She said she still likes me, and she's sorry. She sounded sincere......Well, lets just see what happens. Remember that one girl I was talking about? Well, she flirted with me even more today. She played footsie with me....:lol: I know she still has a boyfriend, but I'm just going with the flow....8) Today was the senior's last day, so it was kind of bitter-sweet. I'll miss alot of my friends. I hope you all do well! :D 4 DAYS LEFT!!!! WOOT!!!!! :D:D:D
I joined this union, called the Judging Gamers Union. I like it alot. It is a pretty fun place to hang out at. You all should check it out! ;) I posted alot there......Oh yeah, no video blog today. I'll do some extra ones tomorrow....
Well, thats about it.
Mike (maa)
Blog: 5/18/06
by maa4208 on Comments
Well, today was pretty good. I didn't talk to her, and I think thats the best thing I could do. :lol: There is this one girl flirting with me now, but she has a boyfriend. (At least I'm pretty sure) I'll just go with the flow....8)
My GameSpot life is pretty good. I may get to 10000 posts by the end of next week, but I'm not sure. :P I still need help with FT, so whoever wants to help, that would be great. :D
Well, thats about it.
Mike (maa)
Blog: 5/16/06
by maa4208 on Comments
Go here for today's blog:
Blog: 5/15/06
by maa4208 on Comments
I finally saw Bridgit today. I was happy. During lunch, we went outside and just sat; the 2 of us. That was nice. I was getting grief from my firends that I haven't kissed her yet. Well, that changed after school. Before she got on the bus, I kissed her on the cheek. :oops: I probably could of done better, but I personally don't mind.....:P I am going to shave tomorrow morning, so maybe I'll post a new pic of me without a mouststache tomorrow. Tomorrow also makes 2 weeks since she asked me out. I have been happy ever since then. :D
Well, I got 9000 posts tonight. Yea.........:P I have also decided that I probably won't take my "break" from GameSpot after all. Yeah, I know......:P
Well, thats about it.......
Mike (maa)
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