I am ok with paying. I just dont want to be paying more down the line. $69.99 is surely to go to $80, $90, then $100 eventually. But if that happens, all dlc should be free for the xbl gold membership owners......but free would be nice for what xbl currently is with the gold membership
what a waste of brand and license...Thy have ruined DBZ for me forever.....They need to give it to ROcksteady and let them make a playable DBZ game. Or give it to some other developer...
if games we not so expensive, then used games would not be an "issue". I would gladly drop $40-$45 for a brand new next gen game....I still remember back when I had my Nintendo and Super Mario 3 came out. Went to TOys-R-Us with my sister and dad and saw that that thing was $50. It blew my mind a video game could cost so much....
thats good though that Ubisoft is doing this first one independently. So if it flops, no one can blame the bigger studio who usually buys the rights. I hope it looks good, has a good story and makes a boat load of money.....
maaly81's comments