machod_19's forum posts
for sure, tons of games i would never play again after beating them...i would rather have something new to play chex81
same here after i beat a game i wouldn't want to play again, i return it for a new one
For games like Madden you do have to use the motion controls, but its not that much movement at all, its just a flip of the wrist. I am not sure for up coming titles like NCAA or Tecmo Bowl. But I am sure you can use the classic controller for Madden.
That game reminds me a lot of Jet Force Gemini for the N64. Except The Kore Gang is a lot more cartoony, and i don't like cartoony games. So i guess you could say i don't care so much for this piece of information.
[QUOTE="machod_19"]Why are we comparing a Xbox 360 game to a unfinished Wii game. We all no the graphics wont be as good as the 360, but it is comparable.metroidfood
There hasn't been a single 360 shot on this board. The games posted are either from the PS2 or the original Xbox, systems that are both weaker (only slightly in the Xbox's case) than the Wii.
But after those screen shots they were comparing The Conduit to Halo 3, which is a Xbox 360 game if you didn't know.
That was a great game, in my opinion one of the greats of all time. It was like a old version of Halo, for the N64. It would be awesome if it came to the Wii, but Microsoft bought over Rare (i think so but i am not sure).
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