The worst part about working in retail is knowing that every time I go into the warehouse for a couple days before release they'll be there. Watching me. Staring into my soul.
Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite. Still get shivers every time. Also, in no particular order, Metro Last Light, Dark Souls II, GTA V, Far Cry 3 (for Vaas's monologue), Portal 2, Shadow of Mordor.
After Danny recommended it on Twitter this summer I picked up Transistor, and it turned out to be my personal GOTY as well. Absolutely incredible game. The visuals were gorgeous, the music and sound design was superb, and tied with Bioshock Infinite for my favorite storyline. Thanks again, @dannyodwyer
Just picked up the base edition last night for 5 bucks. Not sure if I'm playing it right, but having fun so far. Are the visual updates exclusive to the Warlords of Draenor expansion, or do they extend to the entire game?
Macklin_'s comments