macman1978's forum posts
can somebody explain to me why there are so many haters towards halo in 360 threads? i can understand if i were in the system wars or ps3 threads but there are people bashing halo ever chance in the xbox 360forums and they aren't trolling cause they are showing off there gamer tags or praising another exclusive title. to me its like being an indianapolis colt fan, being so happy for there success but bashing payton manning, the person that's a huge reason why they won the super bowl. halo isn't the sole reason of the xbox's success but it defiantly has a pretty big hand in it whether you like it or not. so you should support halo whether you like it or you suck so bad at the multiplayer that you pretend to hate the game.
Turok (360)
Fable 2 (360)
Unreal Tournament 3 (360)
Star Wars: Force Unleashed (360)
Huxley (360)
Too Human (360)
Haze (360)
Halo Wars (360)
same and throw in lost odyssey
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