I didnt start playing video games until i was about 13 and before i started playing games i was really not a good child, i got in fights and did other things im not proud of but when i started playing video games i think i calmed down more in life and i havent done anything horrible scince. soo i dont think that video games could contribute much to a childs bad behaviour maybe its the peoples he hangs around with, or his parents.
I have a different way, it involves going to vault hq and doing some stuff there. it helped me soo much i thaught i was going to hve to playthrough the game again just to get that achievement for collecting the bobbleheads
they are 2 of the biggest games that ive ever played (and the best) but oblivion beats fallout 3 hands down but thats not to say dont get fallout only that oblivions better (fallout 3 is more scary tho)
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