@JRLennis @made_u_look Well I didn't think Stargate Universe had any faults honestly every actor was top notch. Personally I think Stargate fans wanted more of the same thing like SG-1 or Atlantis where they would go on adventures visting new worlds. SGU was completely different in that aspect which I found refreshing in the drama between them was justified because they had different goals. Only reason the drama sort of calmed down towards the end because they were all on the same goal following the ships current path. But like I said I'm giving the show a chance because I want Syfy to succeed with Science Fiction shows I want them to bring back the glory days. But your skepticism is warranted.
@Voidkom @made_u_look And to add to your thought process, some protests aren't worth crap. Because society has to deem whether its worth the change. For example PETA they protest just about everything most of it is ludicrous. Now racial equality of social injustice was done with peaceful means a MAJORITY of time were there riots yea. But what got through were the peaceful debates and speeches. For woman s rights and African American rights. There wasn't looting or rioting for woman's rights.
@Voidkom @made_u_look Learning about someones struggles and achievements through peaceful protest, yes it takes someone with the mental capacity to see faults in a democratic government. Rioting in a violent nature with radical intent creates more animosity than a peaceful conclusion. You asked for one movement, I gave you one. Now your saying naming one isn't a enough? How about Gandhi, Tank man? You act like a violent child and start destroying someones place of work or home, guess what your not helping your cause your just pissing off sympathizers. But I guess radicals like yourself careless that's why you never get anywhere.
@Voidkom Martin Luther King ring a bell? Get educated then maybe you won't be a moron and defend riots. Like the L.A. riots which served no purpose except property damage and loss of human life.
@JRLennis @made_u_look Well reading from your passed comments I can see your cynical about Syfy's shows with good reason. But I never game them money so I'm willing to give them a chance to redeem themselves. For all we know it could be the next Battlestar Galatica. Hell, Stargate Universe was a great show the only reason it was canceled because of ratings whose fault that was that's up for debate. Time slots or just people not interested in what Syfy had to offer.
@Ovirew @franizarduy Because it's fantasy, it doesn't represent who you are in real life. People play criminals because they never will or never want to in real life. But in a virtual world doesn't matter there are no consequences to your actions. Don't understand why people can't comprehend this.
@The_Last_Paladi Yea I agree, if taken seriously this could be a awesome trend for entertainment. It's always been one sided, movie comes out crappy game follows. Or awesome game comes out crappy movie or show may follow. Having them coincide keeps the subject matter true and the audience more involved.
@DarthLod Honestly I think your jaded. There is only so much you can do when your on a budget. Not sure what you were expecting, real aliens? Genetically create one in a test tube to put on television?
made_u_look's comments