@Sgthombre Your whole argument got dismantled when you said the fans were trying to force Bioware, as if we were getting the courts involved. You dummy just sit in the corner.
@Snepstok Actually my argument wasn't lousy, but factual. I can go down a long list of how many times entertainment has been changed to please the fans. And my maturity is perfectly intact telling someone to shut there mouth in the virtual sense. I've seen enough of these articles to see how biased they are and treat the fans as if were a bunch of hooligan rioters after a soccer game. And in reality the minority of people defending these people writing these articles and defending the games ending with arguments like,"Oh those whiny children, who feel entitled to everything I loathe gamers". Cause that's there argument. So if you want a actual debate and facts please feel free to retort.
Dear Laura, Oh shut up, your talking like Bioware painted out a Van Gough, or Picasso and its the muesuem and can't be altered. Theres different degrees of art and story telling is one of them. Now saying stories can't be altered because the author considered the ending final and perfect is saying how ignorant you are on the topic as in television, books, movies have all had endings altered due to fans intervention or the authors intervention or someone else. I believe the oldest of those cased being Sir Arthur Conan Doyle changing Sherlock Holmes due to fans anger of him try to kill Sherlock off. So please this argument about it being work of art and it can't change HORSECRAP its been done countless times.
@Left4deadMau5 Nah Chobots character wasn't fun, fun was getting EDI and Joker together. Chobots character was just there the whore newscaster living in my cargo hold. If I wanted fun I would've taken Kalisah al Jilani on my ship and punched whenever she got out of line. LOL
Agreed I played Mass Effect 1 and 2 but I agree with this article. I've played every single Bioware game all down to Baldur's Gate and ME3 is a failure in my eyes. But it seems everyone wants to drink the kool aid and defend this flawed game. I'm still at awe at Jessica Chobots character I mean how random was that? Shes doesn't even report anything really I went down to talk to her after every mission and it was nothing. She slept with my character so I guess shes my personal whore who lives in the starboard cargo bay. And with Jame Vega whose voiced by Freddie Prince Junior was the worst Hispanic accent ever, I cringed every time he called Shepard Loco. As a Hispanic myself it felt they were trying way tooo hard to be diverse and they failed.
@Slappylad Ya I agree the diversity is always nice but being a Hispanic, I couldn't stop laughing with Freddie Princes voice acting of James Vega. I mean couldn't they find someone else if they wanted him to have a stronger accent. Didn't bother me so much just thought I would point that out.
@Corrus So so true, Chobots character was just there. She didn't provide any depth to the story nor any real assests to the ending. Fail on Biowares part. Personally they should've got rid of her completely and all the N7 side missions and made a longer ending. For example Spoilers ahead......................................... When Harbinger is eye beaming the Hammer Squad, Shepard and his companions make it aboard the Citadel to find the Defense Force you know the asset that never really helps anything, is there in a fire fight and you help them along fighting toward the catalyst and then have a long scene with your LI if you brought him or her along and then sacrifice yourself. Then after the credits they should of had your LI with a child or 2 at a large statue of Sheparad memorial and her or him telling about the legend. Something like was in my head when I was running for the teleporter.
Sigh, the only people that are pushing the homophobia are the bloggers. And the reviewers people initially hating the game were dlc haters myself included and just haters in general. Now after playing the game and beating it twice its safe to say that the ending has soured all 3 games to the point in which I never want to hear about Mass Effect again. Yes the ending was that bad.
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