@Dethstarr Probably true, but the reason behind the short and linear gameplay lies with people themselves (mostly children actually), whose attention span devolved in recent years. If something doesn't deliver in the first few minutes, its cast aside as too mundane or simply too complex to get into deeper. It's a wide spread notion that the games are becoming more and more casual, but at the same time there still are titles for 'advanced' gamers, who want and will spend more than just 5 hours with a game, either due to content or replayability.
As for the tech, I'm not an expert, I don't even care much for the graphic as before I got my Xbox I was stuck wit an old laptop with an integrated video card not being able to see much, if you get me. So when I finally launched my first console title, I told myself that I would never ever complain about its visual side (unless its butt-ugly). Summing up, I'm completely satisfied with what the criss-platform titles have to offer (in terms of graphics, of course), not to mention the exclusives.
Btw. I too love some old action, 2D beat'em ups, GuiltyGear for life!
@TexasAnMGrad2K Really? Then clearly you've never heard of Mrs. Gore's crusade against 'inapropiate' contents in music, the result being the all-beloved Parental Advisory sticker on every album with at least a single swear word in it. Not to mention the school shootings at Columbine spawning a debate about alleged bad influence of heavy metal and industrial music. Know your stuff mate, then post comments.
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