madmaxwarrior's forum posts
I must confess that I have not looked forward to a Summerslam event for a while now. However, from the looks of it this should be a memorable night. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow have the opportunity to shine here, and have given us a great ''friendship gone bitter'' type of feud. Bray Wyatt has a huge opportunity to fully establish his character during his encounter with Kane. It's possible that his character might surpass the entity of Kane, perhaps that of the Undertaker. I obviously do not expect such a feat to be accomplished within the confines of one match, but I can see potential in him beginning a long road quite similar to how Kane started his career.
The feud between Cm Punk and Brock Lesnar looks to be heading towards a fight rather than a typical wrestling match. This seems to be Lesnar's strongest asset at this point, despite his previous two run-ins with The Game not quite delivering to their full potential. It's a shame that the storyline seems to establish that the actual feud here is between that of Cm Punk and Paul Heyman, with Brock Lesnar acting as Heyman's support. However, I'm still thoroughly looking forward to the outcome of this overall well-built scenario between these three talented individuals.
Lastly, my boy Daniel Bryan is finally gaining a phenomenal opportunity to establish himself into WWE's history books. I'm expecting this to not only be a great match, but perhaps a special moment in all wrestling history. That's if Daniel Bryan wins, of course.
These factors combined have encouraged me to buy this PPV, and I honestly cannot see many ways for this event to fail in considerable fashion.
Fair enough, madmax :P
Just out of curiosity, is there actually anyone in here who has not actually played any of the Half-Life games? Or perhaps hasn't played a specific game out of the collection on offer? pokajabba
I've completed the first game, but only played through a small portion of Half-Life 2.
^madmaxwarrior, I'd recommend that if you do not have your own Steam account, to just go ahead and make one anyway. It doesn't cost anything, and it's pretty quick and easy to do. I think this collection cost around £20 on steam (Which is about $35, or something). That said, they usually do great deals where they will reduce the prices of some games, and you can get them ridiculously cheap.pokajabba
While an intriguing proposal, I will have to take it into consideration. I don't usually play games often enough to warrant the creation of a steam account or downloading its service to my computer, due to the time constraints I am under most of the time. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
madmaxwarrior: A god among insects. What movie is that line from?TruthTellers
I'm honestly unsure as to whether this quote originally stemmed from a movie, but I do remember it being spoken at some point during the early X-Men comic books. I'm guessing that the line may have either originated from those comic books, or a movie may have influenced its use by the creators during the early issues.
I only watch Raw occasionally, but thought to check it out this week as I heard positive news on the John Cena vs. Cm Punk match-up. I feel as though it is compulsory for me to say that I never expected such a fine match on a Raw episode. In my honest opinion, I found the match to be on the **** 3/4 range of greatness. One can only hope that The Rock/John Cena match will live up to the standard set by this phenomenal engagement on Raw. I find John Cena's wrestling ability to be criminally underrated at times. This was living proof that the man is an exceptional talent in the ring when given the right amount of freedom. I hope John Cena & Cm Punk get the chance to put on a classic at Wrestlemania, as it's not unreasonable to imagine them being capable of putting on a show that could very well be unforgettable.
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