I don't know their work outside of Killzone Mercenary but I thought that was a good game. Hopefully they find jobs.
madskills6117's forum posts
The concept for the game is cool but from a technical standpoint it looked like a complete mess. If it isn't scrapped then hopefully it becomes a Scorpio/PC exclusive.
Probably more of a handheld. Only time I'll probably even connect it to my tv is when I'm gaming with the kids.
From the games I've played this year, my personal favorites are forza horizon 3 and Titanfall 2. There are still tons of games I need to play though.
I may gamefly the last guardian and dead rising 4. Overall I don't have much interest in the games on this list.
@darkangel115: grappling hook if used correctly makes traversal just as fast if not faster then tf1, titan battery system negates the need for shields, not all titans are slow, what's wrong with the grappling hook?, ttk feels fine to me but this is easily adjustable via an update, poor map design is subjective, they stated why they went with titan specific load outs numerous times and from a gameplay perspective makes sense, burn cards were replaced but I personally would like to see them return, there is ai in bounty hunt and attrition, the smart pistol is in the game, titan weapons are fine. Titans aren't all waking tanks anymore so no need to make the anti weapons overpowered, yes the old rodeo was removed due to the new battery system being implemented. Both are fun to me but the new system encourages more team play. It's not as exciting per se anymore though, additionally, that bounty hunt strategy only works against players who aren't that good at the game.
Played it for 15 minutes yesterday and couldn't stand it. I gave it a good hour and half today and I'm still not a fan. I'll go with titanfall 2 for my twitch shooter fix.
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