@kljhkll You know they have thousands of developers at their hand, meaning they have the resources to do what they want, milking us as much as possible before anyone else starts making these kind of games or we get really bored of it.
@SirNormanislost There's gonna be soon out Marvel Heroes a diablo hack slash type game where everyone is connected in instances but "dungeons" are solo or party based.
Woot this is Saints Row, and with every new installment it ups it's self even more, that's what Saints Row is about, being pure awesome over the top action game.
@Imperiacommando What bad part, illuminate me on that part. For now I see only that I don't have to pay extra for full online capabilites plus the unlimited amount of freedom on my PC.
@Shango4 @maitkarro Why the heck should I be, I don't even own a Xbox360, never had never will, unless they make some kinda epic game that will only be on that console. Anyways I ain't worried, because on the PC it has been years and years like that, that you have to install every game, and that only one human being can own it actually, as almost every pc game has a serial key for singleplayer and multiplayer the same.
@Saketume @JJB03 @maitkarro But he is exactly saying that, what will he be doing in this game. A box art should be just a well a cover, it doesn't show anything specific, but the whole, nothing spoilery, just so you get a taste of it without knowing how it will work out.
@JJB03 @maitkarro @wavelength121 -.- Showing the game as a whole = what kind of game it is. End of Story. Your comment should be directed to wavelenght121 not me -.-
@david1230 You mean this http://www.gamespot.com/ragnarok-online-2/techinfo/ where you have two links for the site developers or publishers site and games own site, it should be elementary for every gamespot'er.
maitkarro's comments