@tgwolf Go play Call of Duty Black Ops II -.-, Journey wasn't meant to be action packed thrill ride, it was as good as it was and I liked it much more than any Call of Duty game.
@jamujey Noticed it when I saw this comment, it shows how much of a man you are, you only notice the girl or a guy without pants showing it's buttocks, or somewhere between. Though if the girl is not much to look at or the show would have been boring then it meant nothing.
@FreedomPrime The point was Sony didn't protect peoples information, credit card numbers, place where you live, passwords for PSN, your email, and the chinese(someone one got into my facebook account and Guild Wars 2, well tried to get into it, as my email has to definitely have a unique pass so they can't verify that I moved to china) have all the information in their hands. Anyways they got fined because they wanted to make use of real money in UK PSN so they had to agree some legal rights stuff from UK goverment, other wise they wouldn't have gotten fined. So it is their own fault they had that kinda crappy protection.
Holy demonic...Also hope they make some new chars playable, like in DMC2 you had Dante, Trish & Lucia and in DMC1/3 you had Dante & Vergil also in DMC4 Nero & Dante... oh at the end of it I noticed Vergil gonna be playable in DMC with an expansion... anyways then I want more costumes like DMC3 with every difficulty cleared you got a new look, last one I guess was Sparda. Maybe they could add alternate demonic transformations.
What ever, South Park Digital Studios is right, THQ can't sell it as they made sure of it, when they made this section 365(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code.
@Bradjune80 Stop blaming people for making a bad game from your point of view, and move on. The game is already way better than it was released. Only major thing that they could get rid off would be RM-/AH.
maitkarro's comments