Seems they are complaining because not enough people are buying all the FF titles in PSN, I checked it and it seemed sony pushed all the FF titles in front there this month.
@q-bert39 You kiddin right, the developers are just lookin an easy way to make easy money, everybody needs food on their table you know, so they go for mobile because it's less costly to make stuff and the profit is overall bigger, because well almost everyone has a mobile phone, there are a lot of people who say gaming is taboo and get a real life attitude (hate those guys) so they don't have any consoles or a decent pc even, so they are just sitting in chat rooms and playing poker or webs"¤t.
@FireWolfRage True and all, but for better gameplay you don't need to sacrifice Graphics, just more time in to it or more people as more money, but yeah mostly it comes in cost of graphics, and then later I'm like damn why nobody makes an old game that had superb gameplay and story, now with superb graphics. Oh wait they are it's called "insert gamename" HD, like whatever I want a real overhaul like it was promised with FFVII, if that will ever happen before 2027.
Epic so far, it looks really nice, and plays too, and the story at least will be something to look forward besides grinding for gear. One thing will be funny at the release date, when we will see like 10 or more same chars in same place. Wish they did it with like DC Universe make your own char and play in pvp with heroes or your own char.
@akshayasok And I found my first Legendary Item in ACT IV Normal in a glass pot, isn't that an adventure, though I'm actually just grinding the whole ACT, not just a boss.
maitkarro's comments