@phili878: Then stop commenting and watching it, that's the only way you can get rid of it, at least for yourself, start watching what you like, that's how things work here. Views/Clicks matter not what you type here anyways.
@Dark_Mits: I was a kid, and it was the opposite for me and still is 20 years later. So your point being is that this generation of gamers are like that no matter the age, peeps who started to play just recently are only like that.
@sakaixx: Well the game is the best, in terms of everything, mostly peeps argue it's not that hard anymore, well you can make it hard by fighting against 5 tempered monsters semisametime and maybe gimp your defense or attack or both and etc. and then try to beat it. Just that now the game is more fun, and has a proper campaign even.
@Atzenkiller: We have just a pc for that, and some "console only" games have been remade on newer gens and on pc eventually.
While exclusive games are mostly coming to new gen as remasters. And to be fair hardcore gamers buy consoles for the sake of exclusive games or for the sake of co-op or if the pc port sucked ass at launch. So doesn't really matter if they have or have not backwards compatibility. Not to mention why they don't do it is because of hardware/software limitations, the made the older consoles too different from the general pc market, while that was basically a waste of time considering how much of them were modded and not to mention PS3 being emulated finally, PSVita might be the only exception in the emulation department because of it's memory/handheld account locks and etc.
Point being I rather would want a remaster of the old game and buy it than just play the old one with backwards compatibility iffiness. (higher res textures, remade textures/shaders, fixed bugs, better performance, etc.)
@ThePlantain: So nerf it in Gambit Alone, they should make mode specific stats for weapons, pve and pvp and whatever mode are way too different because of who you face. AI will never complain, unless the devs themselves see that you're being to effective and creating a loot cave of sorts and have to do a memorial update to that area.
@datriax: You haven't played Path of Exile then, the only thing remotely that kinda is related to what you said is the stash space alone, but that only becomes something you worry about when you've played hundreds of hours. You only buy the micro only if you decide to grind, not because you have to grind.
MMORPGs are the fault of the grind, and micros are the fault of facebook type of games coupled with mmorpg type of grind. Diablo clones are the saviors of the grind, the most annoying games are when you get absolutely no rewards to progress and all you get is some crap and that almost always fills up your bag space so you have to make room for it via making useless back trips or buying micros to increase the inventory space, not to be confused with stash space. Mind that in MMORPGs inv space is a rare commodity for peeps who play it for free.
The worst of micros are in facebook type of games somewhat in older mobile games, newer are kinda gotten better over the years because of the competition so they have to inflate the rewarding so that grind becomes more like an afterthought.
The good kind of micros are vanity stuff, Path of Exile does it really well, the only way for the free game to make any income and keep their servers up is via micros, and people who like the game can support it that way and also get something cool to wear that they can always change up.
Also micros were bound to happen considering the inflation of the economy while game prices have basically stayed the same over 10 years. At first it started with full blown expansions, then dlcs as expansions and then medium type of dlcs, and then the small fluff dlc like skins and etc. And now you have the microtransgeneration of pc games. This is the only way to make a living without increasing the games price in terms of base content, everything else is just an afterthought for the peeps who like the game and want to support the devs in making more content/patches or even newer games.
So if you're whining about horrendous grind stop playing such crappy games and stop playing competitive multiplayer games. Those types of games are meant to be played in thousands of hours. Then you have no reason to complain, you're the only one at fault here playing such crap in the first place, instead you could focus on sony exclusive games as an example. Anyways just go find yourself better games and just focus your time and energy and money on them, that way you won't be feeling like the gaming future is getting crappier.
@Bread_or_Decide: Just because shit doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen, get out of your damn bubble and realize you're not the center of the world, stop being so self centered, Quality of Life features should not be ignored that easily just because you have no reason to use it. If you don't want to use then don't fucking use it, but don't start talking that others should live by your example alone. The same thing you blabbered about those youtubers goes for you too, so stop being a kettle barking at a pot.
maitkarro's comments