maj911 / Member

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maj911 Blog

Im back and i have updates for what im going to do!

yeah ive been really unactive now i asked my parents if i can use the computer they said"you can use it anytime but not past midnight!"yay now i can comment on ur blogs! :lol: so i have MORE goales set up...

1: buy all the games that i listed before.

2: check Assassins creed 2.

3: be more active.

4: try finishing Death note.

5: try getting to lvl 12.

Yeah the first 1's the hardest.....(hehehe :twisted: waite till my B-day..)

waite?! so i can only play 1 houre a day?!

i have bad news im going to be more unactive and i can only play 1 game for only 1 houre.....i used to play any time! i only played when i was bored...this is so im going nuts!i cant take this boredom!!!! :evil: and what can i do?! i cant simply rebel against this dumb rules....i cant even use the computer as much either.....argh...:evil:

My trip to Montreal and about me...

first WELL start with my trip to montreal:IT WAS SOOO BAD!i liked it the first time but then...THE SECOEND TIME WAS yesterday ok so what happened is i couldent sleep and i was awake the whole day! :o it was tireing i want packed up got it in the car but then my family was like "OMG I FORGOT THIS!"and we kept comming over and over!when we got to the hotel it was good but then we had to walk for the rest of the day i was tired and hungry we actaully saw a cool consert though SOOO LOUD!!!!ok it was good scince they put all the small things from blink 182!my fave band!


LAST NAME:sorry i cant tell you

AGE:take my test its ther

EYE COULER:honey brown eyes



ok im not telling where im from...i dont like to talk aboute that...So im a guy who likes to have fun and play games alot i love to lagh trust me!im ussaully bored in summer (HAH IM TALKING AS IF IM A PET!)i love to hang out with my fav band was and is Blink 182 but if i had to choose +44 or AvA it whould be AvA!well i hate my past it was actaully trying to run away from that well in school i get normal grades im not populare and i really dont want to if u want to know me better just ask away!

Travling to Quebec

ok im visiting Quebec for half a day so iim not going to make the blog aboute myself untill tommorow good bye atlest im travling scince my plans in Jaimaica were ruind...well Bye!

Can anyone help me make a Banner?

Yea i was thinking can any1 make me a Banner? i know its sudden but i think i should make my profile look good scince im headidng to lvl 10 dont u all agree? :) i also want to thank all my freindes here for comenting my blogs relly i appreaciate it! :D

OH I ALMOST FORGOT well why i ask is because my commputer is messed up and all the programes propeirties are mixed so i cant make 1... :(

Im moving...

yea im moving houses august 1st...luckly im gonna have wifi connection on my comp and house....