@ronvalencia: You forget to factor in optimization. Yeah the PS4 would run Ryse native 1080p if its a straight port (at 30fps also) but if optimized like all games are it would be 60fps 1080p.
Compared to the PS4 that's pathetic. So what the PS4 sells in 2 country's the Xbox does in 13?The Xbox One is shaping up to be a colossal failure.
Crytek even admitted Ryse was a tech demo.The game was made with graphical amour in mind hence all the cutbacks that were made on gameplay.More ever the PS4 would likely run Ryse in 1080p 60fps.
@timbers_WSU said: @majesticshea said: @I_can_haz: He's a true keyboard warrior.And you're not? What could you possibly do to anyone here? Give them a dieting plan?Not like you need one, you're a healthy looking man.
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