@Fryboy101 @majoras_wrath What does me finding some sci-fi incredibly creepy and tapping into some disturbing nerd zeitgeist have to do with f*cking rock band? Do you have no better counterpoint then that?
And I am getting somewhere. I'm getting incoherent responses which quite honestly only strengthen my position.
@chipwithdip @majoras_wrath That's because you are locked into gender stereotypes. You assume all women are graceful, cunning, and acrobatic, and forget that some men are dancers and acrobats as well. It works both ways. I am man enough to recognize that some women out there could probably outlift me, and I'm not exactly scrawny.
@Tygraph @majoras_wrath @chipwithdip It's pretty damn sexist to assume any game with a female must have the character have very specific "female" characteristics for them to truly be females.
It's funny he brought up Metroid, who had a female protagonist kicking ass, and up until recently, was given no special "female" characteristics. She was just a person.
..And then sexist jerks took her character and injected everything they thought of as female and made her a wimpering, weak, "women" in Other M.
@Tygraph @majoras_wrath I think a masculine women would be a pretty interesting f*cking of traditional gender roles actually.
It isn't so much that they probably won't have a women in a lead role, fine, whatever, no one really expected that. It's more the fact that a head honcho at Epic went out of his way to make clear that hell no, women would never take center stage, and he would make sure of that because ~~sales~~. That's pretty f*cking disgusting right there.
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