I finished this game recently, and I agree with this reviewer's sentiments. Despite the Order being short, it has a slow build, taking a while to rev up, ending shortly after the game begins to intrigue. This isn't a good combination. Cinematically, it's great, and the controls are tight; Ready at Dawn were meticulous making this game look and play as intended. I believe they went the linear, cinematic route because it's a formula that worked so well for their God of War entries on the PSP. The difference, though, is God of War is fast and frenetic, whereas the Order is a slow affair, even during gun play or QTE sections. It's a game that would prefer to have you watch more than play, which can work well in other formulations, but not so much here. By the end of the game, I was finally having fun (more guns, plot revving up), but then it ended rather abruptly. A disappointment overall but not an abomination. It's a mediocre game, so I think GS scored appropriately here.
What an odd review. You'd swear the reviewer was actually traversing the gates of hell. No mention of the technical bliss and shortcomings of this miraculous port, the extra goodies compared to the PC original or N64 port, or the specific issues with the Saturn controller (OG or 3D Control Pad)? Interesting piece.
@blaznwiipspman1: The PlayStation's catalog has far more depth and diversity than the Nintendo 64's. The PlayStation didn't have a Perfect Dark, but it had a number of good first-person shooters: Alien Trilogy, Disruptor, BRAHMA Force, and Final Doom come to mind. I think Medal of Honor is comparable to GoldenEye 007 in many ways.
I also can't recall any third-person shooters on the N64 other than Jet Force Gemini; the PS1 had Syphon Filter, Ghost in the Shell, Future Cop: LAPD, and many others. In addition to RPGs, other weaknesses in the N64's catalog include fighting games, 2D platformers, action platformers/run-n-guns, beat-em-ups, shoot-em-ups, and adventure games. The PS1 excelled in all of these.
That said, the PS1 has no equivalent to either 3D Zelda entry on the N64 -- some exceptional alternatives, but nothing close.
@peterroberts123456:I don't find either terrible. I enjoyed Halo 4's gunplay, level design, and aesthetics. Everything concerning the Didact and the surly UNSC commanders was just plain silly. Halo 5 is a much rougher experience overall. I definitely think Infinite outshines both.
Halo Infinite's campaign alone provided hours of fun for me (so much so that I did everything but LASO it -- waiting for co-op to drop in May). It's amazing what a larger playing area, a la ODST, and a grappleshot can do to refine a very familiar yet resilient formula. Missions that are indoors play differently than those in the open world, and the bosses are tough as nails, even on Heroic. It's a great deal of fun, and the plot is better overall and easier to follow compared to Halo 5, though we've already experienced a similar ending in Halo 4, making Halo 5 seem like an utterly redundant entry in the franchise. Multiplayer, as expected, is just plain fun too.
Has 343 given any hints as to where they're going after Infinite? My initial understanding was downloadable expansions over time, which could work given the unresolved, looming threat on the installation at the end of Infinite. I'm not into this sort of thing, but that's just me.
It's a wholly unnecessary sequel that handles some key elements from the trilogy rather well. It's more of a love letter to the films preceding it, for better or worse (looking at you, cheesy fight scenes). If you're a fan of the series, there's a lot to appreciate here. It's a shame not much of the lore is expanded outside Io and the lovebirds' resurrection, but I'm satisfied.
This is a good list, but Blast Corps is anything but "underrated" -- it's more like a hidden gem among those less familiar with the system. Choosing Diddy Kong Racing over Mario Kart 64 is the way to go (Mickey's Speedway would have been perfectly acceptable, too), but Perfect Dark is superior to GoldenEye in nearly every way, so it's a little moot to include the latter. Smash 64 is perfectly skippable, but I can't think of a better brawler/fighter exclusive to the system. I'd have replaced GoldenEye with Mischief Makers and Pokemon Stadium with Ogre Battle 64.
malachi_27's comments