@resorber @malp123 Firstly, why is gender such an issue for you, if the review had no name I can be pretty damn sure you wouldn't be making half the comments that you do. Secondly how well do you actually know her that you fully understand her political and moral beliefs, are actually and more likely, are you assuming that you know her? And finally, who is to say that you know what "GTA is like" were you the creative director for GTA V? Maybe it's actually your opinion that could be wrong...
@resorber I think your entire argument was undermined when you opened your second paragraph with "Why would you even give a game like GTA to be reviewed by a obviously biased tranny". Using big words doesn't make you seem smart or well informed when you argument is as hypocritical as the very thing you are trying to complain about. This comment is so ironic it's painful.
To say it is like the N-word is a joke! The N-word is known world wide to be a derogatory term, whereas here in England "Orient" is just part of common language. There are far far worse things the Human Rights court should be looking at....
A perfect chance for PS fanboys to jump on the band wagon and say how poor MS customer service is, but I respect this. It takes a huge amount of guts to make a complete U-Turn after so many years of planning and hard work. Fair play to MS for changing their policy!!
Why are they apologizing to the "Dead Island community and the wider gaming community", it isn't those communities that will complain, it's the people that want to ban violent games but have never played them that have made this an issue!
Ridiculous arguments from an ironically pro-violence "defense" organisation. I have played Mario for years but I am not going to go out and eat a load of mushrooms and save a princess!
malp123's comments