Gary Carr should also realise therefore that you don't develop a game specifically with the controller in mind either. This point works both ways and I am dissapointed to see what Fable has become!
I completely disagree with Square Enix, an extended life-cycle has shown us the maximum we can get out of our consoles rather than MS & Sony forcing you to buy a new one before you really see the full potential.
Mobile gaming was going to happen whether you were on PS3 or PS4, it is a technology that is evolving just like any other. I haven't put my Xbox in to storage because I can play Angry Birds!
Glad to see that we are taking the depiction of war and terrorism so seriously. What better way to portray such sensitive topics than using a large-breasted reality TV "star"
Sort of an agree and disagree, though I respect the courage to write a blog like this. I agree Capcom could have handled poison better, but I don't think we should lose fact of the sight that at least they had the courage to go that direction with the character. They have drawn attention to the fact that she is Transgender rather than stereotyping her as a female with all the beat em' up catches phrases that accompany that.
malp123's comments