mamoru's forum posts
[QUOTE="mamoru"]grrr I hate you. :cry:~-~I'm taller then both of you.:D Plus my post count is obnoxiously larger.8)~-~[QUOTE="The_PirateKing"][QUOTE="catlin_czirr"][QUOTE="Hom3_Pwn3r"]for the record im 6 3Whicker89
u do realize having a high amount of posts mean u have no life...rite???
or the same amount of life, and you have just been here longer posting at the same ratewait,are u trying 2 say that high post counts could also because uve been on GS 4 years.....
ok....sure...thats logic...BUT WHY THE HECK WOULD u wanna spend most of ur life infront of ur pc writing threads on GS forums????......please answer me..i don intend 2 annoy or b a jerk..but i cnt see myself being a level 40 dude with 10000 posts...i juz cant...
[QUOTE="mamoru"][QUOTE="hailltoyou"][QUOTE="expanded"]Murder for a jar of red rum.
yep, palindromes. fun indeed.expanded
:shock: wow that's cool
i don get it..wat so cool?? am i juz dumb 2 not see wats so cool abt it?
lol nothing fancy, just reading it backwards is the same..
owh wow~!!!! now that IS COOL~!!!!!!! hahah~thnx 4 pointing it out 2 me~!!:o
[QUOTE="Acidrain1988"]I started to play all the old MGS titles to get my self up to speed for 4, and I loved twin snakes and mgs2, but I hate mgs3.
Im sorry, but i just dont understand what there were trying to do.
Already MGS is slow (but awesome), with the amount of storyline, which is fine, and it made number 2 an amazing game but, they take away the map and that slows the game down, they make you go in your back pack to change gear that slows it down, you have to change camo, again slows it down, you have to heal your self, slows it down. You cant just eat and get health, you have to eat and get stamina then wait for it to regen, again slows the game.
I feel that 99% of the time when I play mgs3 im just so bored of having to wait for my motion sensor to sweep around, then find out what blips are the gaurds and what are just animals, then I gotta scout out the gaurds and take them out, If of course they see me, even if i get away the alarm takes like 20 minutes to go back to normal.
I find the fastest way to run into an area set the alarm off, run around and find out where all the guards are, die, then re do the room how lame is that....
I dont know, by the time i finished mgs2, i was obessed with mgs thats all i could think about, now that im halfway through mgs3, i dont even want to continue it.
here y go~something that would let u understand the mgs series by not even playing it~( ^ ^ )
its very useful,and no its not juz a wall of words...its all the cutscene vids of the whole mgs series~
ooops,i didnt post the link~!!! sorry my bad~
here you go~
[QUOTE="catlin_czirr"][QUOTE="Hom3_Pwn3r"]for the record im 6 3The_PirateKinggrrr I hate you. :cry:~-~I'm taller then both of you.:D Plus my post count is obnoxiously larger.8)~-~
u do realize having a high amount of posts mean u have no life...rite???
I started to play all the old MGS titles to get my self up to speed for 4, and I loved twin snakes and mgs2, but I hate mgs3.
Im sorry, but i just dont understand what there were trying to do.
Already MGS is slow (but awesome), with the amount of storyline, which is fine, and it made number 2 an amazing game but, they take away the map and that slows the game down, they make you go in your back pack to change gear that slows it down, you have to change camo, again slows it down, you have to heal your self, slows it down. You cant just eat and get health, you have to eat and get stamina then wait for it to regen, again slows the game.
I feel that 99% of the time when I play mgs3 im just so bored of having to wait for my motion sensor to sweep around, then find out what blips are the gaurds and what are just animals, then I gotta scout out the gaurds and take them out, If of course they see me, even if i get away the alarm takes like 20 minutes to go back to normal.
I find the fastest way to run into an area set the alarm off, run around and find out where all the guards are, die, then re do the room how lame is that....
I dont know, by the time i finished mgs2, i was obessed with mgs thats all i could think about, now that im halfway through mgs3, i dont even want to continue it.
here y go~something that would let u understand the mgs series by not even playing it~( ^ ^ )
its very useful,and no its not juz a wall of words...its all the cutscene vids of the whole mgs series~
[QUOTE="Brmarlin"][QUOTE="stkr"][QUOTE="uaek"][QUOTE="stkr"][QUOTE="Brmarlin"]~-~That was quite explicit. I'd edit it before you get modded.:o~-~[QUOTE="The_PirateKing"]~-~Ok, good luck. My guess is your going to need it.:P~-~ [QUOTE="Brmarlin"]Touch her shoulders...both at same time.stkr
Ok, lick, bite, and touch her shoulder at the same time...that more appropriate?
That's an odd fetish you've got, or I am outside on an inside joke :|
You really didn't get it?
I guess I've been reading too many dirty jokes :/
Nope...still lost.
Touching shoulders as far as OT is concerned = sex
That makes no sense. Since when was the shoulder considered....nevermind...
don even ask dude..its a long story..heck,even i don get it~
[QUOTE="expanded"]Murder for a jar of red rum.
yep, palindromes. fun indeed.hailltoyou
:shock: wow that's cool
i don get it..wat so cool?? am i juz dumb 2 not see wats so cool abt it?
after 2 hours after i posted this there are ppl still posting in this?? wow...
well,thnx 4 all ur support guys~!!!
but yea, im pretty happy rite now~and no this is not my 1st GF..ive had 7 gf's~this is my 8th~probably my final gf in highschool
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