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I got a PS3

Due to a few contributing factors i dont have an xbox 360 anymore and have a Playstation 3. So far i own Devil May Cry 4, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Warhawk for it, along with Tekken Online and Pixel junk Monsters from PSN.

I plan on getting burnout paradise soon, as i rented it and had fun with it when i first got my ps3.

I havent made a post on gamespot for quite some time but alot has happened.

I have a job now and have worked in it for almost 4 months, its going pretty well i think, I also finished my new gaming pc a while back too. Although oddly enough i rarely ever play games on it, i think its because i get a little tired of sitting upright in a computer chair to play games and like to lounge around when i can.

My PSN Name is Manachild86 for those who are interested. But unless any of you guy's are australian that will be pretty useless for warhawk, it'll be too laggy for over sea's play. I've heard though that PS3 online games are region locked so that the game will work in any ps3 but you wont be able to connect to people with oversea's copies of the same game.

Thats what i've heard anyway.

Anyway, i actually owned DMC4 for Xbox 360 before i got rid of it, and finished it even, but i wanted top lay it again on a higher difficulty so i bought it on PS3 but as a result will have to beat it on Devil Hunter again just to unlock son of sparda difficulty again.

Ninja gaiden, have always wanted to play that game, never had an xbox when it first came out so when sigma came out i planned to get it because evenw hen i owned a 360 i had planned on buying a PS3 for MGS4 and FFXIII so... yeah i guess i got it early ;)

I bought assassins creed on a whim and....

with no expectations and it turned out great imo.

I'm really enjoying it. I picked this up along with mass effect and i'm enjoying both games immensely.

Will talk about said games in greater depth as i get further into them.

Even most fanboys arent this ignorant....

My 360's Disc Drive Died today... and when i told one guy about it, he said this:

red5 500: ive never heard of a 360 dying
red5 500: all my friend who have them have no issues
red5 500: i have no issues
red5 500: a defective 360 is pretty much unheard of
red5 500: at least in the US

red5 500: nah dude
red5 500: we really dont have issues
red5 500: it must be pal 360s or something

red5 500: the red light issue is pretty much considered a myth

I didnt even offer a retort i just blocked him straight away i didnt even know wh ere to begin with this one.....

That guy is the most ignorant **** on thep lanet. Even alot of 360 fans agree the 360 has problems but this dude takes the cake for blind fanboyism.

Its fine to say that your or your friends havent had problems, but to say you have never heard of a 360 dying. Thats a blatant lie. Especailly when petermoore pretty much came out and admitted that things were unacceptable. Why would you need 3 years 3 red light warrenty if you didnt need it.

Ikaruga is the manliest game ever...

I've been playing Ikaruga alot lately on the dreamcast and i have to say that is by far the hardest game i've ever played, but thats not a bad thing. It makes it all that more satisfying when you manage to get further in it.

At the moment i can get up to the end boss on the 3rd level before i game over.

I'm working on it though. I'm trying to complete this game, i've got a thing going on with my friend ryan about it which is why i'm so intent on beating it besides pure enjoyment :)


Finished Metal Gear Solid 1,2, and 3....

And i like number 3 the best. To me it has the best sense of closure and it has the best bosses in the entire series. The battle i had with the end was very interesting and cool, i enjoyed it alot. It requires patience though.

Metal Gear Solid 2 had me quite confused by the end. I'm not even sure whether i quite understand fully. That last group of com conversations and cutscenes before you fight solidus snake where excessive in my oppinon not because i'm saying that the story base content of it was garbage but because i couldnt help but zone out during it no matter how interested i was in it. That and my dinner was ready at the time and i was hungry but at the same time i knew i couldnt pause the cutscene so i waited it out. But as a result i didnt digest all of the information. I think i would have to beat that game again to understand better.

I am looking forward to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots alot.... i dont have a playstation 3 at the moment, but even if for some reason it only ends up being a timed exclusive for PS3 i'd rather get a PS3 and that game to avoid waiting. I'd consider myself a pretty big fan of the series now, and its now up there with my favourite series of all time.

The fact that i can also get eventually Final Fantasy XIII, Ninja Gaiden Sigma (never played original or black), Tekken 6, and some others doesnt hurt either. But i guess in a manner of speaking i would be buying a PS3 more or less to play metal gear solid 4.

Now i'll probably work on finishing god of war and grandia 2. Up until yesterday i'd never played God of War before but had heard many times that it was an excellent game. Well now i have it, and i can see why so much good is said about it. For a ps2 game its got great visual's and its action packed and alot of fun.

My Copy of Grandia 1 should be arriving sometime this week. I managed to get a brand new and sealed playstation copy for a good price from a vendor i buy from quite frequently.

My Pal copy of Grandia 2 for dreamcast turned out to be a very good buy. The seller said it to be in very good condition and they werent over exagerating. The disc has no scratches on it at all. Whats great is, the NTSC version i started playing on's saved game is compatible with my PAL copy of the game. It loaded up fine.

I like alot of other people here got halo 3 but ... i havent gotten around to finishing it yet. I like it, but its definatly not a strong game of preference. Meaning that i ignored it and beat mgs2 and 3 and left it to gather dust in my wardrobe where my other 360 games are sitting.

Ahmahgahd No Wai!

So i didnt pick up my copy of halo 3 the day it came out. I thought i was going to have to send in my xbox 360 for repairs but it turned out there was nothing wrong with it and i had gotten the whole situation wrong. Those markings on the back of the disc werent scratches and all my friends xbox 1 games had them on it in the same perfect circle rings and hes never played them in a 360. Further more the Xbox 1 games that read error in my 360 occasionally never do it in his xbox. But since i thought i wouldnt have an xbox 360 in time for the halo 3 launch i went and spent my money put aside to finish paying off the preorder on something else (Cough grandia 2 on dreamcast). Which obviously turned out to be a bad idea. Not because Grandia 2 is a bad game... i love it. But now i have to wait until friday to get halo 3. I got to play it Co-op with a friend though but to be honest i think i was a little naieve to expect too much of the game. Its one of those games that i feel you already have to like halo to enjoy, because in my oppinon halo 3 is little more than just the same sorta thing with better graphics. There is nothing ground breaking about it.

I look forward to multiplayer though, which is why i'm still anxious to pick up my CE edition of the game that my friend has held aside for me at my local store with my $20 deposit. Speaking of deposits i preordered Virtua Fighter 5 for xbox 360 today using a $50 gift voucher i had for EB games, i'm really looking forward to it because i want a change from playing DOA4 online for my next gen fighting fix.

I'm still playing the crap out of my dreamcast.... its times like these when i sometimes cant help thinking "man games arent what they used to be" at least to me, i just remember enjoying games in general alot more. I know that sounds weird considering i enjoy modern games alot too but it isnt the same, i dont know how to explain what i'm trying to say.

I've been playing through the metal gear solid games lately and i'm playing MGS2 atm after finishing MGS1 last week on the Gamecube. I enjoyed that game alot, and dont think i've experienced a game in a setting like that with such a good story. I've become far too accustomed to the stereotpyical tom clancy game **** i think.

Speaking of tom clancy i bought rainbow six vegas about a month ago, because i originally ordered bioshock twice before it came out. Once online and once at a local store. I ordered it locally because i figured that with the online store it would take a few days for them to ship it to me so iw ould have wound up with 2 copies of the game. So anyway close to release i got my online order switched for rainbox 6 vegas. And that game disapoints me. It isnt awesome at all lol. I personally think gamespot overrates it alot.

Playing grandia 2 lately i've realised that not all rpg's need to have the deepest most epic final fantasy style story to be good. Stories that are simple but engaging mixed with interesting characters do the job just as well if the balance is done right. Which is why i enjoy Grandia 2, its a light hearted good game that i really enjoy.

I love deep final fantasy style stories but sometimes its a bit much and i cant stand it.

I'm surprised i'm not angry....

Today i had to ring up microsoft customer support because my 360 has been scratching game discs. Not only do i know this from the evidence i have in the form of Shenmue 2 and Soul Calibur 2. But also when the disc stops spinning when i exit to dashboard from a game, sometimes when it stops it makes a more than audible scuffing noise which sounds like the disc surface scraping against something.

The good news is that none of my xbox 360 games have been effected by this problem because i havent played an xbox 360 in around 2 week's for any lengthy period of time, and these other 2 discs havent been scratched as bad as they have been immediatly. In any event these discs that have been damaged now have read errors when your playing them from time to time. Yay...

I have to send my 360 away tomorrow and the guy i spoke to told me it will take 10-15 days to get a system back. Looks like i'm gonna miss out on the halo 3 launch. Oh well. I'm not the biggest halo fan but i was looking forward to playing that game Co-op with some friends.

Normally when stuff like this happens i get angry but oddly enough i'm meeting it with this strange sense of apathy. Ever since i bought the console iwas so paranoid prior that i was just waiting for the day for something to go wrong, so its almost as if i'm not surprised. I did have a brief moment where i thought "heh shoulda bought a ps3" then i realised the stupidity of such a statement considering the only games i would buy on that system if i were to buy it right now would be Warhawk and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. If Metal Gear 4 stays PS3 exclusive i will still buy a ps3 tho just for the sake of wanting to play that game.

The Dreamcast is still getting alot of my attention, and my own dreamcast console should be arriving sometime this week. I love this system, it simply has some excellent games on it. I already have my DC copy of Shenmue 2 and a Brand New Black VMU. The copy of shenmue 2 that i got is almost in perfect condition and in some cases looks brand new, except for disc 3..... Disc 3 has this big scratch that goes from the centre of the disc through that small inner data area of the GD Rom and a mill or 2 into the normal disc. I hope the disc works but as a result of the disc being that way, i feel obligated to beat the game so soon after beating the xbox version for a 2nd time just to see if it works. Even so i want to get the disc refinished but i'm not sure if thats safe because idont know what sort of protective layer GD Rom's have on them.

Got the dreamcast version of shenmue 1 coming sometime next week, and i also have the DC version of resident evil code veronica which i bought off a local friend, in pretty much new condition (he basically never played it).

Ikaruga is such an awesome game, sure its difficult... but its fun too so i keep finding myself coming back and trying and trying and trying. I'm up to chapter 3 atm and i'm having alot of fun.

My gamecube copy of SC2 arrived today, and unlike my xbox copy that wasnt quite up to scratch framerate wise, the gamecube version runs like a dream on my Wii. I had been worried that the GCN controller wouldnt suite such a game, but to my surprise it works great. I actually find that the controll's are more responsive than my 360 controller, even with the analog stick which i thought would feel weird because of the hexagonal rim around the stick's rotation path for rotation moves. I find that throws are easier to perform too. I found on the xbox controller that even when i pressed one of the trigger buttons as block and pressed the respective other button to throw at the same time sometimes it wouldnt respond properly, sometimes it would just block and not grab. For some reason it seems to work alot better for me on my GCN controller. Same goes for when i'm countering/parrying attacks too, it just seems to act more precisely to me.

So apart from my FPS gripes it turns out that getting SC2 on gamecube aswell paid off since my 360 wrecked my xbox copy anyway.


Shoot 'em Up's

Not the type you think. Not first person shooters like Doom and Quake.....

I started playing Ikaruga today and i have to say it has brought back some memories of these types of games that i used to play along time ago when i was younger.

Major Stryker:

I used to play this one on my grandfather's 286, its graphics were only EGA and were quite horrible lol, i remember finishing the entire game many times over. Back then even my dad was into games and used to take turns with me :)


Shortly after we got our own first pc.... It was a 486 with 8mb's of ram, really pitiful by these days standards but here is another shoot em up i used to enjoy.


Published by Epic mega games in 1995 this is one that i played with quite a few family members battling for high scores.

Maybe not the Hardcore japanese shoot em up's that some of you guy's probably know, i remember playing one of the gradius games once but i forget which one it was, i think it was on the original playstation, but i didnt play it much.

I dont know whats a better option: To buy Ikaruga for Dreamcast and pay 50gbp for it, or get the gamecube version for a little less brand new in its shrink, or wait and see if it comes out on US/Europe XBLA like it is in japan.

Games and Graphics

Its funny as hell playing a crap load of Dreamcast games for day's and then you get pestered by your friends to play some gears of war on the new map pack, and your reminded or blown away again by how awesome the graphics are in a truely awe inspiring fashion. Cause honestly, all i've been playing the last 3 days has been Shenmue, Shenmue 2, Rival School's 2, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, and Powerstone on Dreamcast. Some would call me a Sad Sad Man. I personally am sorry that i didnt own a dreamcast when they first came out. Its a quality system. I ditch the rumble pack tho, makes the already bulky controller even bulkier.

I'll have my very own one next week sometime as i'm borrowing a friends right now. I bought the PAL version of Shenmue 2 for Dreamcast so i dont have to listen to the **** english dubbing on the xbox version which i play on my 360 and whine about the responsiveness of the D-pad for QTE's all day long. The fact that the d pad's press depth is pitiful compared to the dreamcasts means i fk up the crate carrying job QTE's once they get more complicated cause it doesnt always register my button presses properly on the D-Pad on both my 360 controllers tis pure garbage i tell's you.

Erm i'll stop ranting now.

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