Today i had to ring up microsoft customer support because my 360 has been scratching game discs. Not only do i know this from the evidence i have in the form of Shenmue 2 and Soul Calibur 2. But also when the disc stops spinning when i exit to dashboard from a game, sometimes when it stops it makes a more than audible scuffing noise which sounds like the disc surface scraping against something.
The good news is that none of my xbox 360 games have been effected by this problem because i havent played an xbox 360 in around 2 week's for any lengthy period of time, and these other 2 discs havent been scratched as bad as they have been immediatly. In any event these discs that have been damaged now have read errors when your playing them from time to time. Yay...
I have to send my 360 away tomorrow and the guy i spoke to told me it will take 10-15 days to get a system back. Looks like i'm gonna miss out on the halo 3 launch. Oh well. I'm not the biggest halo fan but i was looking forward to playing that game Co-op with some friends.
Normally when stuff like this happens i get angry but oddly enough i'm meeting it with this strange sense of apathy. Ever since i bought the console iwas so paranoid prior that i was just waiting for the day for something to go wrong, so its almost as if i'm not surprised. I did have a brief moment where i thought "heh shoulda bought a ps3" then i realised the stupidity of such a statement considering the only games i would buy on that system if i were to buy it right now would be Warhawk and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. If Metal Gear 4 stays PS3 exclusive i will still buy a ps3 tho just for the sake of wanting to play that game.
The Dreamcast is still getting alot of my attention, and my own dreamcast console should be arriving sometime this week. I love this system, it simply has some excellent games on it. I already have my DC copy of Shenmue 2 and a Brand New Black VMU. The copy of shenmue 2 that i got is almost in perfect condition and in some cases looks brand new, except for disc 3..... Disc 3 has this big scratch that goes from the centre of the disc through that small inner data area of the GD Rom and a mill or 2 into the normal disc. I hope the disc works but as a result of the disc being that way, i feel obligated to beat the game so soon after beating the xbox version for a 2nd time just to see if it works. Even so i want to get the disc refinished but i'm not sure if thats safe because idont know what sort of protective layer GD Rom's have on them.
Got the dreamcast version of shenmue 1 coming sometime next week, and i also have the DC version of resident evil code veronica which i bought off a local friend, in pretty much new condition (he basically never played it).
Ikaruga is such an awesome game, sure its difficult... but its fun too so i keep finding myself coming back and trying and trying and trying. I'm up to chapter 3 atm and i'm having alot of fun.
My gamecube copy of SC2 arrived today, and unlike my xbox copy that wasnt quite up to scratch framerate wise, the gamecube version runs like a dream on my Wii. I had been worried that the GCN controller wouldnt suite such a game, but to my surprise it works great. I actually find that the controll's are more responsive than my 360 controller, even with the analog stick which i thought would feel weird because of the hexagonal rim around the stick's rotation path for rotation moves. I find that throws are easier to perform too. I found on the xbox controller that even when i pressed one of the trigger buttons as block and pressed the respective other button to throw at the same time sometimes it wouldnt respond properly, sometimes it would just block and not grab. For some reason it seems to work alot better for me on my GCN controller. Same goes for when i'm countering/parrying attacks too, it just seems to act more precisely to me.
So apart from my FPS gripes it turns out that getting SC2 on gamecube aswell paid off since my 360 wrecked my xbox copy anyway.
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