Alright, so long time no blog....
I started writing one a short while ago but something happened with gamespot's posting process and i never ended up posting it. So i'll start over. I will admit that the reason why i havent been here for a while is partially because of world of warcraft, although it beg's the question as to why i was able to maintain my myspace and facebook and not my gamespot page hehe.
Anyhow, i'm currently level 68 on my character, which means only 2 more levels before i reach the level cap for the expansion pack. But for now i'm taking a break. But for how long?, i dont know yet... i'll play it by ear and see what happens. I want to take at least a week though. This is the longest time i've played WoW without quitting, but i know that if i dont slow down and take a break now, i'm going to end up burning myself out.
I think the thing i've enjoyed most about playing WoW this time around is being able to talk to Jimmie Regularly. Flan will known Jimmie as hermit from Gamerz Unite. But i have met and made quite a few new friends too on the game, who are hella fun to talk to.
So besides WoW, i picked up resident evil 4 wii edition last monday, i was doubtful while purchasing it though. I'd played the PS2 version and loved it and its extra's, and had only finished it once so i hadnt over played it, but i wasnt sure if i was wasting my money or not. Well considering i dont have the ps2 version anymore and i wanted an excuse to play my Wii since i never do, this provided a good one.
Much to my surprise, the motion controll's in the game are great and to me do not feel tacked on or lame. Aiming is easier than ever and i find that things i found a little tricky to do on the controller are alot easier now. For some reason when i was playing this game on PS2 i used to have problems sometimes timing a melee kick after knocking an enemy off balance and pressing the button at the right time. With the Wii controll's this all seems to be easy. Getting headshots is easy and efficient and your response time seems to be reduced quite a bit which is good for me being normally a mouse and keyboard player on PC with shooting games.
its a pity that the Wii isnt a more powerful console however, cause i would have loved to have seen Resident Evil 5 on wii with motion controll's also, as much asi want to play RE5 on any console, i'm gonna feel weird going back to a normal controller after this.
The game includes the extra's out of the ps2 version with the gamecube versions graphics, which are an improvment over the ps2 versions that i had a while back.
All of this said though, i wouldnt say that this game is an essential purchase if you have already played the game, but i definatly think its the best version of the game you can get. So any wii owners out there that havent played this classic before, should definatly check it out. Or if your a douche like me and you sold your copy on another console and feel like playing it again, definatly pick it up. As for anyone else, rent it out first to see if you dig it.
I've still been holding out on which console to get out of the 360 and ps3.... I know the 360 seems theo bvious choice cause of the games, but i'm afraid to buy one cause of the problems that seem to plague it. Most of the games i want to play are cross platform anyway but.... i dont know.
Truthfully i would have had a 360 by now if i was motivated to do so, but i'm not.... too paranoid.
So... i have quite a few games to play at the moment that i've barely touched, like MGS Twin Snakes for GCN, MGS2 for ps2, MGS PO for PSP, and a few other games. I'm even tempted to reinstall planescape torment and finish that classic again.
Anyhow, thats all i have to say for now.
Game on!
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