Hi! I'd like to add you but I can't find your info. Would you like to be my friend? Here's my info and if you could send me your code I'll add you as well. Names: 0431-2000-4675 - Raven 5198-6137-5099 - Ian 3179-9792-0307 - JB Town: Amaela Fruit: Pears Sorry, No Wii Speak at the moment. Hope to see you soon on Animal Crossing! Thanks!
Does anyone know how to create your own speed phrases? I saw a player that had a phrase with his name only and I'd love to have speed phrases since the keyboard is sooo slow...
If you could tell me I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!
Hello! New here and to wifi although not to Animal Crossing. Would like to have many friends! Please accept our codes and let us know yours so we can visit eachother's towns. Thanks much!
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