if they port Halo: mcc to vr on windows 10 i'll buy one of their HMD solely for that but if their first party vr games r a bounce of indie level games i'll past.. btw Minecraft is great in vr MS should use that as it standard
@darthrevenx: I have to say I hate the manual reload trend in vr. not sure why vr devs thinks everyone wants to do things like they would in real life it becomes a pain in the ass when gaming. now I understand some people love it so it should be and option. this game i'm glad to see it get a low score cause it never gave the player the option on locomotion I use games like Serious Sam vr as my standard and when a game fails to give as many options as that game does it earns a fail in my eyes this game got a big F in my book
@Mogan: ms has said they will have one store for everything whether it's xbox or Windows 10 the store will see it as the same so the xbox/w10 ver could be on the ms store and the pc version on battlenet.. so this isn't telling us enough. We just got news that activision will start to use uwp if this is one of the uwp we don't know yet
@dexda: I own a rift and man I got to agree with u... it's all cause devs are afraid to make people sick and as someone who don't get get I get bored the games
@MrFreehuggs: no because they r using threats to ruin someone livelihood and I refuse to reward that kind of behaver. they should say that they don't agree with him they can even pull support all that i'm ok with but when they then add that they want palmer fired for what using his 1st right. if the support that it will imbolden more to keep doing this and it will work it's way down to us all. where we all will be afraid to say anything cause we'll lose our jobs. picture if u said something on here that a few people didn't like they find out who u r call ur job and got u fired. if we don't stand up for someone's right to say thing we don't agree with at some point the crowd will turn on you as history has always shown it to
mane_basic's comments