is there anyway to know when your close to gangsta for online play for PTP,iv been playin it for a while mostley PTP and i havent got it yet and im pretty good.
Is it jst me or is Windows movie maker just one of the most unstable programs ever,every time i use it,it will say that theres been a problem and tells me to end task,and then whne it does work,ill go to save movie file to mke it,and it will say that there isnt ebough space.Is this probem occuring for every body else.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!,well i will have to try and get this in asoon as possible, I live in canada and i will send it in to MS or ill just go 2 future shop,do you know how long it will take if i take it to MS?
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