Right now, there are so many games I want to own (old and new). I have 19 systems, so I have a hell of a lot of games to choose from. I am in love with my Wii and I would love to get my hands on The Godfather, simply because it looks damn cool and, from what I've heard, the voice acting is immense... and I'm a complete sucker for really good voice acting.
I want quite a few other Wii games as well. I'm really psyched for Manhunt 2. I absolutely adored the first one. It's probably one of the most immersive, atmospheric games I've ever played (it's right up there with RE-make on the GC). I also want Spider-man 3 because..... Well, like most social outcasts I really identify with Peter Parker and doing webslinging with the Wiimote just HAS to be cool. There is no way it can't be. It has to be done!
There are the other, more obvious Wii games that I need to get when they come out (particularly Mario Galaxy, which looks to be an amazing game) but I can't be bothered to discuss them in detail. So, onto other systems:
PSP - I have recently regained my love for Sony's portable console. It really is not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, there are some design flaws (like how a third of the CPU will forever be unused to give extra battery life) but I will favour the PSP over the DS anyday purely because it has more depth and is a more polished experience. I REALLY need to import Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops because it isn't out for months over here and the UK and it looks to be a Killer App. I adore the Metal Gear Ac!D series, so I know what amazing experiences Kojima Productions are capable of creating on the PSP. I also want to get Liberty City Stories, Medal of Honour, Lego Star Wars, WTF, Lumines 2 and the new Wipeout game when it comes out. I know you can get Liberty City Stories and Lego Star Wars on the PS2, but my PS2 is on its way out (the disk drive keeps making weird noises) and I want to preserve what life it has left to play FF12.
Virtual Boy - I'm a big fan of beautiful failures, and personally, I think the Virtual Boy is one of the most interesting pieces of engineering in video game history. It has a pretty solid game library, and I have collected 14 games (22 were released alltogether) and now it's just a matter of hunting down the rarer ones, which can be ridiculously expensive. The game I want most is an FPS called Insmouse No Yakata. As you can guess from the title, it is Japanese and it's meant to be really atmospheric and tense because you have to run through this mansion with monsters chasing you. You're playing this on a system that only displays red, but when you play it in the dark at 3am its incredibly immersive. The speakers are right by your ears and, according to reviews I've read, you actually hear the footsteps of the monsters getting closer as they chase you. Sounds awesome to me :)
PS2: Though my PS2 is on its way out, I still want to get all the games I've missed out for it. Some of these include Bully, Katamari, the Kingdom Hearts series, God of War 1&2, the Devil May Cry Series and many other sleeper-hits that somehow got passed my ever-so watchful eye. Speaking of which, if anyone knows any sleeper hits for the PS2, would you please inform me of them? I love niche games :)
Gamecube - I need to buy all the Resi games for this unloved system as well as Batallion Wars, Killer 7, the sequel to Rogue Leader (forget the name) and I also need to re-buy Starfox Assault and MGS: The Twin Snakes because I stupidly sold them when I needed money.
There are loads of other ones that I'm forgetting right now, but this blog is getting kind of long heh. In the next month or so I really need to finish Twilight Princess. Whenever I get stuck in a dungeon I tend to put it down for a few months and play something else. It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but the dungeons become very monotonous very quickly for me. The storytelling is fantastic though and apart from the dungeons I really have no complaints about the game. So yus, end of game-tastic blog, me thinks. t00dles x
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