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marajade312 Blog

I'm sick and tired of this. Oh, and my mom's coming home tomorrow!

I am sick and tired of people cussing at me. I'm tired of it. I want it to stop. Right now. I don't like people that cuss, especially when they're talking about me and my friends.

So, if ANYONE decides to cuss in my blog, I will moderate them. I will not put up with it anymore. This is your only warning.

Anyways, my mom is coming home tomorrow! I can't wait! And, yesterday, she walked without a cane or walker! She is completely pain free now! I'm really proud of her :)

Oh, on Sunday, I had a java chip at Starbucks in Barnes and Nobles. It tasted terrible! They didn't even know how to make it! It was disgusting! It was all lumpy and not completely mixed together. I think I'll stick with getting a caramel latte when I go there.

And, Nick, I would greatly appreciate it if you'd get back to me about the thing I asked you about on your blog. Please PM me soon ok?

I can't believe what he called me! :@

I can't believe what this guy called me! He called me a succubus! For those of you who don't know what that is, here's a link

I am not talking to him anymore. He had no right to call me that. And, he said it in front of everyone. Luckily, one of my friends got rid of him.(this happened on a website, not RL) So, I'm thinking of blocking him from Pmng me. I MIGHT. I'm not really sure. But Stephen has banned me from PMng him.

Oh well :(

I am fed up with fedex!!!!

THEY LOST MY CELLPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They lied to me about where it was. They LIED. They never even knew where it was. It wasn't where they told me. They LIED to ME!

I am never again using them. NEVER AGAIN!!!! I am going to email them, and call them, and let them know just how mad I really am.

They'll wish they had never lost my cellphone.:evil:

Did I get replaced? :(

I think I did :( We have a new person on the Impact team. She just joined last week. The only reason I know this is because I had a friend call me up this morning and tell me.

Its not my fault that I've missed the last 2 practices. I can't legally drive yet, so I have to rely on my parents to get me there. And, with all thats been going on, they're to busy to take me. So, I have to miss out.

No wonder Brett wasn't worried that I'd be missing practice. Its because he already had someone to fill in for me :( I know I'm probably overreacting, but I'm under a lot of stress right now. And, my cellphone still hasn't came yet :(

Anyways, I finished writing my story for a website that I'm part of, I think it came out really well. Thats a load off me, because we were going to be doing a joint story next week, and I had to finish this one before I could start on that one. Soo its done now. Yay!

Today is the start of Star Wars weekend on Spike. Episode 4 is on tonight, then episode 5 tomorrow, and episode 6 on Sunday! I can't wait!

I'm really mad now

It still hasn't came. I've been waiting for 12 hours now, and my cellphone hasn't came yet. I am so mad. Mad enough I want to cuss. But... I'm not that kind of person, so I'll just make up words. *makes up words*

I hate them. Whoever was supposed to ship my phone screwed up big time. I've been waiting 3 days for it now. Today was the latest it was supposed to come. It still hasn't came. I'm really mad right now!

My cellphone I have now is worthless. Motorola makes the lamest phones ever. Mine's been broken for over a year now, and I've had to put up with it until I got enough money to pay for a new one. And now, when I need my new phone the most, its not here.

It would probably make it a lot easier had the store had the phone I wanted in stock. But no, everyone had to go out and buy the cellphone I wanted. Had I gone in there an hour earlier, I would've had it. Stupid cellphone.

And, to top it off, I can't track it online because I don't have the order number. My dad put up the recite when he cleaned the house, and now I can't find it. *SIGH*

Also, my grandma is staying at my house, so we had to leave in order to pick her up. So help me if they came while we were gone... Usually they leave notes... there wasn't a note. So they were either too lazy, or they just never came.

Anyways, Stephen just stopped by... he was really mad that I didn't have my new phone. I was mad that I had to miss practice. Again. And there's no practice next week, or the week after that I think. So, that means that I'll have missed a whole month of practice. Whoop-de-doo.

I hate waiting.:evil:

Still waiting...

I'm still waiting for my cellphone to get here :( I hate it when you have to wait for it to come. I've been waiting all day, and I really tired of waiting. I need it!!! Need it bad!!! My other cellphone died and won't come back to the light!!! :cry:

Please get here soon!!!

*sigh* This is the blog I was trying to make yesterday... so please read it.

I won't go into all the details, but I want you to read this.(and yes, I know that it showed up after all, but I'm reposting it.)

Our health-care system is terrible. My mom went to the Methodist Hospital to have her hip replaced, and the staff there were not very professional.

No one knew how to handle my mom, and she had to wait several hours for anyone to come and help her. When she went to therapy, the nurses were rude and not gentle with her at all.

And, yesterday, when she got moved to a recovery home, she discovered that they had never changed the dressing on her hip! THAT is VERY unprofessional.

We have always gone to the Baptist Hospital. I was born there. When I had a 105 degree fever I went there. When I stopped breathing I went there. My whole family goes to the Baptist Hospital.

But not for a hip replacement. They had the highest mistake record So, we went to the Methodist Hospital. The ONLY OTHER TIME we had gone there was when my brother had some sort of incurable disease(he is completely healed now).

So, we are thinking of holding a lawsuit against them. I told my dad we should. But... he really doesn't want to, mainly because he... well, I won't say why.

But I'm very thankful that my mom is out of the hospital, and is in a recovery home She's much happier there Thank you for keeping her in your prayers It means a lot to me that you care so much

Thank you.

Why isn't this working?

Why isn't it letting me make a blog? If this shows up, its only because I'm doing it on my iPod. My comp isn't letting me make a blog :(

I was going to write a blog about the way my mom got treated at the hospital, but I'll save that for tomorrow or later tonight.

I have to go get ready to go... bowling :shock:

And, its not with Stephen :cry:

Its with... HER :|

My sorta not really ex best friend. :roll:

But... tonight I might be going out with Stephen... so... YAY!!!

Oh, I GOT A NEW PHONE!!!!!!!! Take a lookie!

So this is how low our health care system has sunk(must read)

I won't go into all the details, but I want you to read this.

Our health-care system is terrible. My mom went to the Methodist Hospital to have her hip replaced, and the staff there were not very professional.

No one knew how to handle my mom, and she had to wait several hours for anyone to come and help her. When she went to therapy, the nurses were rude and not gentle with her at all.

And, yesterday, when she got moved to a recovery home, she discovered that they had never changed the dressing on her hip! THAT is VERY unprofessional.

We have always gone to the Baptist Hospital. I was born there. When I had a 105 degree fever I went there. When I stopped breathing I went there. My whole family goes to the Baptist Hospital.

But not for a hip replacement. They had the highest mistake record :shock: So, we went to the Methodist Hospital. The ONLY OTHER TIME we had gone there was when my brother had some sort of incurable disease(he is completely healed now).

So, we are thinking of holding a lawsuit against them. I told my dad we should. But... he really doesn't want to, mainly because he... well, I won't say why.

But I'm very thankful that my mom is out of the hospital, and is in a recovery home :) She's much happier there :) Thank you for keeping her in your prayers :) It means a lot to me that you care so much :)

Thank you.

It was a Star Wars weekend...

So, yeah. I watched the Star Wars tv special on Spike all weekend long! And when I wasn't watching that I was at the hospital with my mom or out with Stephen. And when I wasn't doing that I was on gamespot. I think that shows just how busy I was :P

Anyways, we got a new coffee maker! It just arrived 15 min ago. So, time to make some coffee!!!!

[spoiler] Don't worry, Nick, I'll make some for you too :P [/spoiler]