Yeah, you guys are right. The Rams and Seahawks should be kept out, and the Packers, Giants and Bucs should all have an equal shot at the playoffs with the top two of the three teams making it in. ;)The-ApostleYour view of this would be completely different if the Packers were the 7-9 team. Why even have divisions if the winner doesn't get in?
marchmadness1012's forum posts
I don't get the Braves, they get fleeced in the Escobar deal and then do this to the Marlins. Two completely opposite deals
[QUOTE="Darth_Revan_666"][QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]Interesting post on yardbarker dsandgnat 7:11 pm on September 1st, 2010 The CFL (Canadian Football League) plays an 18-game schedule with 2 pre-season games. And all their teams, except Toronto, play outside on artificial turf. Plus, they play on a longer and wider field, and they have only 37 players per team. Their championship game, except when played in Toronto or Vancouver, is played on a cold day with the possibility of snow and ice, not like our cushy Super Bowl in a warm climate. With all that said, these guys get less than half of what our crybabies in the NFL get. I would rather watch a CFL game any day then listen to the whinny thugs of the NFL.MoonMarvel
WTF the CFL is as soft of a pro football league can get. Big hits rarely ever happens in a CFL game, because the players are smaller and on a larger field.
Comparing the CFL to NFL is silly. The guy may have not understood the differences between the 2 sports before saying what he did. The first part of his comment about the field makes the rest moot, and the NFL is longer I think. A CFL field is 10 yards longer, much wider, and has a much bigger deeper endzonethere's no obvious market value for someone who hasn't even played in the Major Leagues yet..Not bad, the Nats were able to sign him for about 4 million under market value
It'll be nice to see him in New York in a few years
First off, you want to know what game I'm playing right now? Ocarina of Time. That should be a very clear indication of when I say I play games again, I mean it. I have two games that I haven't played through multiple times in my library and I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I have played through Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Uncharted, Dead Space, Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, Prince of Persia, Arkham Asylum and so on all multiple times, And yeah I could have 3 new games and have them for 180 and the key word there is HAVE. I can play them over and over, I can lets my friends borrow and play them, I can decorate my house with them if I want. You for $120 rented 2 games and own 1. I could have played the same 3 games for the same period of time for less than 30 bucks, so who exactly is getting raw deal here?[QUOTE="marchmadness1012"]
No, I would've played through 3 games for $120, while you would've played through 3 games for $180. Your 3 games will sit on your shelf collecting dust that you'll say you'll play again but won't.
I've been trading in games and selling on eBay for over a year and tend to profit on games. I've been paying for games out of traded in game money for a long time, no out of pocket expense. You probably also buy all your games brand new rather than waiting 3 days and buying it at EB or eBay for 25% less.
Also I question the legitimacy of your claim that you don't pay out of pocket for games using trades. If you trade in a 60 dollar game, you cant get another one; you cant even get another one by trading in two, you would still owe money. Since you say you trade in all your games, you couldn't have a substantial enough library to trade in a stack of games for one new game and if you did, you could only do it once or twice, unless your buying a stack of new games all the time to trade in for one game. So I question that statement. I could see that happening if you bought a new game, traded it in and got an older game with a price drop. But its going to take a little more than 3 days for a price drop.
I gave an example. I bought a few games on eBay, played through them and profited off them. Do that a few times and you can buy a game. Powertrade that at EB and you've got another game. Sell that game and you can get two slightly older games. Trade those in at a T2 or 3 and get a new game or 2. Follow that pattern and you'll never pay. You probably have 1000s of dollars invested in games, and you can only play one at a time.
Who would buy a used game when you can get it on Amazon or use cheapassgamer to get games for ridiculously cheap prices on brand new games? Free shipping plus ten or more dollars off a game sounds good to me. I used to buy used games but I don't see the point anymore unless it has been out for a long time. Also you must have a great EB games by you because three days later chances are they wont have copies and if they do it's far from 25% off. Unfortunately in Canada, most of the deals on CAG aren't found here. I usually just do the T3 deals at FS or BB. For example, I traded in GoW2, Saw and Batman AA at FS for Lego Harry Potter and Singularity. Cost me $40 to get the three games to trade, and I'll be able to sell those two games for around $80 on eBay when I've beat them. Then I'll have enough for another new release. Seems silly to me to hold on to game people know they will never play again, sorry, but you don't get random urges to play games you didn't like in the first place.[QUOTE="marchmadness1012"]You probably also buy all your games brand new rather than waiting 3 days and buying it at EB or eBay for 25% less.
[QUOTE="billyd5301"]If you buy a game at $60 then trade it in for $25 isn't that more like getting that game for $35? I buy new games that I'll play a lot like Mass Effect or MW2, but buy a lot of games used and rent some too. Mostly trader I suppose.Sepewrath
Not at all. That is like renting it for $35, in which case you got pwnd.
Exactly, you paid 95 dollars and all you end up with is one game and the more you do it, the bigger the gap becomes; add a 3rd game and you pay 120 dollars and you still end up with one game. While if you pay less than that 35 to gamefly, you can play all three games and more. I've had gamefly randomly over the years and in a month I can play 4 or 5 games, while trading in you play 2 and pay over 3x as much money as I did. Basically like billyd said, you paying $35 per rental doing that. Large amounts of trading leaves you well in the negative.No, I would've played through 3 games for $120, while you would've played through 3 games for $180. Your 3 games will sit on your shelf collecting dust that you'll say you'll play again but won't.
I've been trading in games and selling on eBay for over a year and tend to profit on games. I've been paying for games out of traded in game money for a long time, no out of pocket expense. You probably also buy all your games brand new rather than waiting 3 days and buying it at EB or eBay for 25% less.
I'm a collector
I see no point at all in trading and I can't understand why anyone would do it
I would honestly destroy what I don't want rather then trade it in for less
So you'd rather have a $60 game sitting there that you won't play again rather than get $30 back for it?
I often buy older games on eBay for $10, play through them and sell them back on eBay for $5-$15. It makes way more sense to me to come out even on the game or take a little loss and be able to afford more games.
What if you just bought RDR and hated it? What would you do? Let it sit on your shelf or sell it on eBay or on Craigslist for $40-$50?
If he scores 20 points in his first game, and 21 in his second, how many points per game does he average?[QUOTE="marchmadness1012"][QUOTE="wildcat2000"]
Im not a huge Rockets fan or anything but Id say he's one of the best this year, if not in the top 5. He also makes alot of 3s. Its funny how points, rebounds, ectpercentage can be .anything.
For example, 20.5 points a can you average 20 and half (.5) points? Theres no such thing as a half of anything in the NBA. When I see players percentages I always round them off. 19.6 a game? Come on now we say 20. He's gotten 20 points before anyway. All good scores do.
Enough with these silly .1-9 %s.
20 points. Because 19 its rounded to 20 and 21 is also rounded to 20. Theres no such thing as a half a point.
So 24 rounds to 20 as well? So if he scores 19 and 24, his average is 20?
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