@Barighm: What the hell are you talking about? Did the fact there were books based on the characters in Rogue One stop you from seeing the movie? Do you never see MCU movies purely because there are tie-in comics? These have no bearing on the game itself if you don't like the story that's probably just because it's a bad story to you not because you had to buy a book and a comic to understand everything.
@tom_cat_01: They've been releasing extra materials it has nothing to do with striping core parts of the games story for extra things to sell. Don't you think we'd see them advertise this stuff every chance they'd get if that was true?
@sirkibble2: With the shear volume of Star Wars video games, novels, and comics that have been created over decades it's kind of it's own thing like Marvel and DC so I guess most people think they can do whatever they want. That isn't normal for video games right now though so it's just viewed as milking a franchise regardless of if the basic concept of it easily allows them to expand it without affecting the main material. Until it is normal you'll see a lot of people act like this is taking time and money away from the game or that they're striping important parts of the story out of it for another thing to sell even though we all know that's ridicules.
I can't see myself liking this more than Spider-Man 2 and the first would be really hard to beat too but I didn't like the other 3 at all. If Homecoming turns out to be my third favorite Spider-Man movie it could still be great.
@jyml8582: I think they're going to stick to somewhere between 18-25 so I wouldn't be surprised if they have more than one version of a character it's going to be fusion like Gogeta or Gotenks. The dev also said they're picking the roster based on what they'd bring to the game and Goten definitely seems like a character to leave out for that reason. I'd love to see Shin and some of the androids though but they'd probably pick 17 or 18 not both.
@WhoIsTheDrizzle: They said it won't have a ridicules amount of characters so I'm sure there's going to be at least a few notable absent characters. The dev also said they're picking characters based on what they'd bring to the game like a normal fighting game more than anything else (outside of Goku and Vegeta I'm sure).
I really can't see this going well for Sony. This could go a lot of different ways but no matter what happens I think they're going to treat everything with Spider-Man the same way which is not what most fans want. If it was Spider-Man 2 wouldn't still be peak of his movies.
@SirNormanislost: It's more of an ongoing series launched off of a big event with one of the main characters of that story being a big presence in the first arc. A good direct comparison for this is Incredible Hulk turning into Incredible Hercules after the World War Hulk event.
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