@tothharrison For me it is the dissappoinent of seeing a company and their associated franchises that I have loved dearly over the years deteriorate so much,
I want to be excited for their games like I used to be, they were among the best and were at the top of their game,. It is severely disheartening seeing so much talent and potential go so sour,.
I would LOVE to be eager and excited for this release, or any Bioware releases once again, but alas, the best I can muster is trepidation.
I want Bioware to return to making absolutely awesome games that I desire to sink large chunks of my time into again. If I and others remain silent and do not point out the our displeasure.. what hope do we have of this occurring?
The game was a huge let down. Many of the reasons why have been touched upon already. One of my biggest issues and what ultimately led me to shelving the game without finishing was the waves of enemies coming in. The unknown commodity going into a battle eviscerates the tactical element that was there (and loved) with DAO. What good is implementing a good strategy to deal with the foes before you when another wave "magically" drops down from nowhere all around you ruining your positioning and your entire game plan. That was a huge aspect of the fun with DAO for me, there was a high level of challenge that was best overcame with a good strategy. In DA2 developing a good strategy is futile and gets tossed out of the window. I found myself not even looking forward to the fights. It felt very unrewarding and very tedious (especially compounded with the recycled dungeons removing that "joy of discovery" aspect that help to propel you forward). I tried really hard to get into it, but I just could not and it grew stale very quickly and I moved on. What a waste of money.
marduc's comments