@Omega-316: I get what your saying. Divisions would be a mess I just feel bad excluding woman. I understand in society a man should never hit or fight a woman but if were talking about a sport in a video game, I dont see the big deal if the game had woman fighting men. I wish a woman would weigh in tell give her opinion.
Marduke1913's forum posts
i wish more japanese games were commonly released in USA so I could discuss this more intelligently. for example consumers shouldnt have to decide whether to get a Japanese v.s usa 3DS. They each should play all games and all games anywhere should be available. let us decide whether or not we still want to play a game even if its all in another language.
i think its a great idea. i think you should make the classic "reach for the sky" hand gesture the one to shoot by flicking your wrist up and down. can we see some pictures of the wristband? if your not allowed to post your own stuff here send me a message, id love to take a look and offer what insight i can
Valve just needs to be a little more sensitive to these issues and take care of their customers respectfully. I'm not saying they dont, but this industry is too competitive and fast changing to not handle with care, every negative pr event whether justified or not.
are you the same type of person that says "there is no good new music anymore" because I'm going to have to disagree with you pc games statement. its unfair to say theres no good pc games. thats like only watching hollywood movies and saying why isnt anyone in the world making good movies. or only listening to kiss 108 and saying music has gone to crap. I agree with ByShop, you need to be a little more specific. No PC games with good storylines? Music? Interesting character design? Thats a discussion more worth having.
I say...treat yo self. You'll feel better not wondering what having both couldfeel like. You'll be able to provide duel insight whenever you get caught up in a console battle discussion. Youll get exclusives for both and can await new arrivals. If friends come over and are loyal to one system you've got them covered.
The only downside is the money, if the price isnt a huge blow to your personal finances I say go for it, this is America. Then you can tell me which one to get, or maybe youll suggest both!
One last story for ya (mr. new vegas voice), figure out how much you spend on fast food or delivery and calculate how many times you just have to not eat out or get non grocery store food and add up to the price of the console. That way when your playing the two systems you can feel good about having the console for a lifetime instead of having spending the same amount of money on food that would already be pooped out. This is why I sometimes do when getting a guilty pleasure item. but this only works for me because I go to fast food often.
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