marinebro0306's forum posts
[QUOTE="D_slims"]the360 controllers the best and i feel like hugging me 360 everydaydonut349
Then you should get some mental health :? .
Mental HELP. Not mental HEALTH.
Well I'm definately 1 of themYep, same with me. PS1-PS2-360. I used to be PS3 all the way, then E3 changed all that...
I owned a Ps1 and Ps2 and never thought of buying an xbox.
The reason i turned away from sony in this gen was the delayed realse of ps3, the ridiculas price, lack of games, no vibration in controller, all the blueray s***.
But even though i love my xbox 360 there are still some games i'd love to come from playstation over to xbox for example- tekken, does anyone think that it will be a cross platform game this gen?
if it is ill cream myself :D
so discuss how you was converted from sony to xbox
I haven't heard anyone say/type the word supreme in years.Hey everyone,
I've recently been hearing alot about the PS3 from various sources and some issues are bugging me. To begin with, why are most people going into frenzy mode everytime the PS3 is mentioned? I mean it hasn't even been released in the UK yet and people are already passing judgement on the console, with this being mainly good. But to me, is it wise to rate the PS3 so soon? The Xbox 360 has been a great success with the majoirty of users being more than satisified with what Microsoft has produced and the number of these people is constantly increasing. As for the PS3, it hasn't even been released yet and people are already slagging off the Xbox just because the PS3 is supposingly more powerful when compared on paper. But wait a minute! Havn't the public been messed around with for too long? Haven't they been promised things that Sony have failed to deliver? What makes Sony so sure that people are going to want to purchase their console which has an astonishing price tag attached to it?! Furthermore, no solid proof has yet been given showing that the PS3 is as good as it is made out to be! In my eyes Sony have a lot of work to do if they are to even come close to Microsofts success, which at current has an extremely good line up for game releases this year with titles including Assassins Creed, BioShock and Two Towers amongst others. It is just ridiculous that people can be so vain when it comes to this and i expect that half of the people who are saying this stuff havent even compared each of the consoles sufficently enough with a variety of different games and other areas such as value of gameplay and vlaue for money!
Well enough of me blabbing on, what im after are your views about this issue from those who are both loyal to Microsoft and Sony. I myself do not favour one from the other and are basing what have i stated from what i have heard from the past couple of weeks.
So if anyone has anything they would like to say please feel welcome too!
Thank You!!!
About 10 years. I have owned:
- Atari 2600 (still have it)
- Gameboy
- Gameboy pocket
- Gameboy color
- Sega Saturn
- N64
- PS1
- PS2
- Xbox
- Nintendo DS
- Sony PSP
- Xbox 360
Good read, but what is the 360 parallel to?I will be discussing a historical phenomenon called parallels. Parallels exist all over history, and the video gmae industry is no execption. More recently, new gens of handhelds and home consoles have been released, and for intellegent discussion, I will compare and contrast these consoles to predict their counter-part's success/failure
First Nintendo. When the Ds was released in 2004, it was not well supported. Two screens? Touch screen on the bottom?It was thought to be gimmicky, and its design was nothing compared to the slick, powerful, PSP. Even I, and nintendo fan, thought it to be stupid. However, new games like nintendo dogs cuppled with old hardcore games came out, Eventually, by 2006, a sleek new design for the Ds, the Ds Lite, came out, and people rushed to the stores to get one, even me. Where was the PSP? Well, it was selling quite well, but in comparison with the Ds was being crushed.Still, it garnered some respect with an ever increasing library, but it did not have the innovation to beat the DS.
Today we stand in a similar situation. The Wii, though much more popular than the PS3 as of currently, is like the Ds in that it is considered gimmicky. The PS3, much like the PSP, is a behemoth in power. With a strong line up (to come), and graphics and power only to be compared to the 360, it seems unbeatable. Yet, the price holds it back. Look at the parallel of the PSP. The price held it back from being intially released, but people waited. A price drop has occured long ago, yet the Ds dominates the maket. Why is this so?
As Sony's consoles wait to gain momentum, the maket is stuck. "What should we get?" Nintendo offers something new, cheap (in price) and fun. And, I ask all Wii haters to look past your emotions and look objectively. The Ds was a gimmick two years ago, and now it a company supporter, a pillar in gaming. What is the Wii? The PS3 will be successful, much like the PSP is today, but it will be the Wii that attracts the hardcore gamers, the casuals, and it will be the Wii, much like the DS with touch and dual screens, that will make motion detection a must in all future consoles.
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