For me it is PSX, PS2, PS5, PS4 lastly PS3. I did like the Vita but not the PSP.
marinevetstl's forum posts
For me, as far as personally owned, the worst console I ever owned was the WII U. I just didn't like the clunky game pad.
I had a launch model. Then I bought the "Star Wars: Battlefront II" edition with the extra Star Wars games codes. I still use this console almost daily.
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Any of the titles are good), Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Super Mario Wonder is a fun game as well. I really liked Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and of course Metroid Prime.
With all the rumors swirling around about the "Switch 2". How important is it to you that your physical games and current digital downloads from the current generation be playable day 1 on the new version of Nintendo's next console?
I am playing Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, Street Fighter the 30th Anniversary Edition, and Ultra Street Fighter II - The Final Challengers on my Switch. Along with Smash Bros. obviously.
i remember when Doom first released. Game was fantastic! But as a franchise? Halo, hands down is the winner without question.
Reach is my favorite story. Warzone is my favorite multiplayer, I'm probably one of the few people that enjoyed H4 and H5for story and art.
@LauriAJ - There will always be a home console. Yes, the technology has gotten to where you can buy an app based full game. Digital downloading and storage are showing that. The next wave will be mass storage for the console and streaming to the portable and playable on the console. We are seeing that revolution of things now. The Wii U's game pad allows playing off main tv screen, there are times I was sitting in another room and playing a Mario game. The PS Vita is a second controller to the PS4, I can stream my Xbox One games on my Windows Laptop. Microsoft's app games are full video games. I will use Six-Guns and Asphalt 8 as examples. Six-Guns is ever bit as big as Gun and Red Dead Redemption, Asphalt 8 is on the level of Forza Horizon 2 - Fast & Furious.
But home consoles will be different in the future, they will work more like the Modem/Router setup we have now. House the way of portability. Most people use phones, tablets, hand helds and that's how gaming and tech is going.
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