I love my PS Vita. I have PS + so I have downloaded and transferred a bunch of PSONE / PSP titles. I have also a nice assortment of Vita titles. Look into cross buy, cross play games. Totally worth having.
You have to call Nintendo to take the games from a SD card and put card in new console. Â Get message to the tune of "Can't play this game on this system".Â
So you gotta ask permission so to speak to be able to play the games you already bought, just because you get a new system. Â That was just crap. Â
Looking from story driven, I am going with Metal Gear Solid, ftw. seriously, to think other wise is nuts. When you compare all MGS and SC titles, you can't. It's like comparing apples and oranges.
One of the things that's really keeping me away from being a PS4 or Xbox One early adopter is the way they're handling backwards compatibility. I can only have so many consoles plugged in at once and I have quite a sizeable PS3 collection I still play.
I could not agree more. I have a lot of games on demand on my HDD as well on my 360. If Xbox ONE treats 360 games like the 360 treated OG games, I.e. no party chat when playing Xbox OG games then to me that would just suck.
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