I knew for a fact that there was no DVD support, but to me it's stupid to keep it out. I know there are good exclusives and actually I think we will have the best version of Rayman and the best Splinter Cell. But the online is just plain crap and that is Nintendo's fault. They set up Skype or video hat but no game chat? Really that's awesome?!?! I am a day one buyer of WiiU by the way.
Guys, I have owned every console from NES to the WiiU, I busted my butt in 1986 to be able to buy my NES. For me the last great console was the SNES, the N64 was fine. Game Cube better, then the Wii I considered a joke. I am disabled veteran so the whole motion control was just worthless for me. I do really like my WiiU, but I am disapponted. It could have launched so much better. I am not talking so much in physical game disc titles. Nope, they dropped the ball for me in the virtual console. I love the smart pad / controller. The Miiverse is cool, no more typing in friend codes, etc. But come on they couldve gotten with the times and got it together better with their online capabilities, added gamer cards etc. There have always been multiple consoles, but until the Wii I never found myself defending Nintendo in the way of"Well Nintendo is only good for its exclusives" Now I believe it to be true. It seems all there great games are going to be Nintendo exclusives. I am so pissed at Injustice:Gods Among Us and its disaster pertaining to online and DLC, I have changed my Pre-Order of Batman:Arkham Origins because of the lack of dlc fear. But I digress, about gaming function......I dont even understand why the WiiU cant read a dvd movie? That to me is just ridiculous. - End Rant -
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