@queuing_for_PS4 wow you act like I killed your puppy or something funny you can dish it out but you can't take it let's face it at the end of the day the price and games spell it all out and if you don't have games anyone wants beside a particular audience, or the price is incredibly unreasonable the console will falter, right now the wii u needs games I am not denying that but I can't argue about the price and I don't care about specs or graphics because in reality how much better can they get, it is an uphill battle whn it comes to graphics and specs how do we know this isn't as good as it will get, and while I'm not a pc gamer pc's have already made ps4 obsoulete at the time of it's announcement.
@queuing_for_PS4 @decoy1978 sony is the one who was arrogant after 2 years of success thie bs has finaly caught up to them if anything some of the awsome games on 3ds can make up for most of thier losses, Let's not forget it litteraly came out 3 months ago so lets see what they have for e3
@queuing_for_PS4 @mario113 whats that? couldn't hear you over all my patience, and no I don't think it will do fine if anything I don't see it being affordable and You know it is bad when they have to show off the move a peripheral that hardly anyone owns, yeah if that isn't desperate I don,t know what
P.S Nice insults kid Maybe you should just get on the sony bandwagon before it rides off that cliff
@queuing_for_PS4 @Celsius765 no just no I watched the confremce it was a joke it was like going to a concert and the lead singer was hanging himself while trying to sing, this thing will be really expensive, most of the games you listed are also coming to wiiu and xbox 360 ( save for 3 sony exclusives ) and no intrest what so ever, So I don't see any reason to buy one
@wickdawg01 sega burned it's customers on two products if anything sony is at risk of going the way of sega, Honestly nintendo get into a little financial problem, or developers don't make a game for their consoles everyone thinks it is the end of nintendo, If you looked at the history of the company they aren't in ay danger.
@corrus @mario113 exactly, all because they had an idea they come up with a long time ago dosn't mean they can sue somebody, if they had no intention of using it in the first place
mario113's comments