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mario161 Blog

Got to Level 13.............yesterday!

Well I got to level 13 yesterday. I was too lazy to make one yesterday. Since it was the weekend and everything. But I'll try to make a blog a day to get to fastesttruck top 25 thingy. Anyways my profile is glitched. I can't see everyone's blog where it supposed to show it, in that rectangle thing to the bottom right. If I never posted in your blog you know why now.

I'm back and at Level 12!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back. I got suspended for the stupidest reason. I was adding to the tags that I already had. So I was just writing numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and all the way up to 999. So now I had 1999 tags. Then I got suspended for doing it. Gamespot put my tags to 0 :cry: All my 1999 tags that I worked hard for, are gone now. They could of atleast take away my 999 tags to make me have 1000 tags still. But they didn't :cry: So that's why I'm a Tagger Flirt and that's why I never posted in awhile (if you noticed). I still got to level 12 though :D

Level 11!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm at level 11. Took me 8 days to escape level 10. That's pretty much it. Just comment on my blog and then you're done. OK!!!!!!!!!!!

Level 10 and a Review!

I made it to level 10. So now I'm in the double digits and I could upload video. I don't know how to yet but I'll learn on the way. I wrote a review about Super Smash Bros. I don't care if you recommend it the only thing I want you to do is to not not recommend it. When you click on my review and you could recommend it or not. Just don't click on no. I hate when people to do that!

Lose some emblems to Win some emblems.

I just got a emblem without looking at the emblem union board. I got it for particapating in the scavengor hunt. And I lost my collection emblems again. WTF man. I lost it a couple of weeks ago then got it back now I lost it. Gamespot need to stop doing that or give me a warning or something.

My Top 10 N64 Games

For the past few weeks my Gamecube had been broken. You probably wonder what I played instead. I compromised. Instead of playing Super Smash Bros Melee I played Super Smash Bros. Instead of Paper Mario TTYD I played the original Paper Mario. And so on. I never knew my N64 games like I did now.

10 WWF No Mercy-I don't usually like WWE games but this game is the best one you'll ever find. You could create your own person and beat up other people and it has an awesome story mode which is so addictive!

9 Mario Party 3-I got to put one of these in my top 10 N64 games. I decided to put the newest put all tham are equally good for me. It's just like a board game but its more fun, more addictive, more competetive than a board game. It has some of the most fun mini-games that you'll find in any other game on the N64.

8 Pokemon Stadium-After playing pokemon on that little portable screen its get kind of boring. That's why they made this game. Every Pokemon's fan dream game. It has the 151 pokemon, battle your friend play the minigames. If you like Pokemon you'll love this game.

7 Mario Kart 64-Not the perfect racing game. Not that much amusing or exciting. This game could gets boring after awhile but this game just has Mario,Luigi and all of your favourites not fighting or exploring. Just simply racing through no pressure just trying to race to the finish line. Except that you send shells, banana peels, blocks everything you expected from what Mario would represent.

6 Banjo-Tooie-With so much good adventure games on the N64 there is just no time time to remember all of them. This is a great game where not that much people never got to know but for the people who knew this game loves it. Its a perfect adventure game. If thats not enough it has the most funniest and competeive mini-games for 4 players!

5 Donkey Kong 64-What a game. I never thought in a million years Donkey Kong will be getting in this kind of adventure. You play as 5 different monkeys and explore around trying to find the golden banana. Fighting big mean boss at every level. Finding blueprints so at the end you could fight the biggest, meanest boss at the ending. Nothing to hate about this game.

4 Paper Mario-You probably think this game sucks because it is #4 on my list. But only 3 of the best games in the world are beating it. This game doesn't have a multi-player, its not even in 3D. What is good about this game. I'll tell you. This game you take turns to punch each other. Not just a kick or a punch. You explore everywhere and kinds of fustrating but after you beat it you'll just love what this game gave you.

3 Perfect Dark-Just read the title of the game. The title is telling the truth. Halo could learn from this game. This is the best shooting game on any system. It is probably the funniest game in the world. It has an awesome story-mode plus it has a multi-player how fun is that. One player and Multi-player.

2 Super Smash Bros-This game is the best fighting game back in the day. After playing Super Smash Bros Melee this game might suck. But I will never forget the good times. I had the most funniest time playing this game. It has both story mode and multi-player mode so you could have so much fun with your-self or with someone else.

1 Super Mario 64-This is probably the best game ever made. Screw Mario Bros 3. This is and forever be the best game ever made. If you love Banjo-Tooie or Donkey Kong 64 you might love this game even more. You'll never want to stop playing it and there is always something to do even if you beat the bowser. You could just explore it for hours and hours!

I never put the Legend Of Zelda games because I never beat one so I never got to understand how good it really was. Comment back I want to know your opinion!

GOODBYE Level 7!!!!!!!

I don't usually give a damn about what level I'm at. I usually don't even check. But I just finish Level 7. What I call the hardest level. I spent half of my gamespot life at level 7 so I'm going to miss being a Sectoid, what ever that is. I'm glad to be a Quad Damage. Sounds cool but don't understand what it really means?
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