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marioboy333 Blog

I register at gimps

Ok so i wanted to make imagesby myself and some friends told me to use gimps. i just did so once i get used to it i might take request.Also i need to mak pics for my union

this is bull

One day i was eploring gamefaq.Then i wanted to see brawl's revieww u won't beliave how many 2,4 i found. i read there review. They say the just put meele and down the gameplay. i just want to point out why this is wrong.

I firdt want to explain I RESECPT UR OPINION,but oviously they didn't play the game and pay attaion. first where there final smashes in meele?No only in brawl which make the game more interesting and intetin. They use so many new items if u put on high it makes more intetine and fun. The story mode i can't say anything about because it is opion.Next they added a whole new roster of characters. with some characters having DIFFRENT MOVES.Now in the home run mode was there a sheild in meele to help u do more damage to the bagNow. now people on can make it go higher. Also was therea challenge thing that tells u what u have to do in meele.No also was there a boss battle mode in meele claaic mode they always have diffrent characters teams diffrently in meele u know what is coming.I am sure there is alot more reasons how it was difrent,but i don't wnt to type anymore.Bye

A new online game i am playing

i have not been very active lately because of thi new gam it is called fusion fall. If u watch cartonnetowork u will know what i am talking about. i was board one day and decided to give a try. I really like the game. The grown cartoonnetwork characters and other stuff. here is the story. A guy named fuse wanted to take over the world. so he sends monsters flying into the earth. it is up to u to help sva the world. other people also play,but u don't really work together. With the help of wepons,nanos,and other stuff. u can help save the world sounds.interesting then join FUSIONFALL


The upsides.

Now going back is not totally bad for me.

1.u can hang out with all of ur friends.

2.If u like a girl/boy u can try to get closer

3.if ur school is volient u can see fights again.

Those are some upsides about going back to school.But i still don't want to go and spring break is in about 14 weeks. Hopeful the time will pass quickly like this break

i am sad

after a long relaxing break.staying up late playing video gamse the day away. now something has returned. Know what it is SCHOOL:evil: Now i have to learn again and be bored.(espically in my 3rd period class). after the weekend i am going to have to return there. why does winter break have to end:cry:

What i got for Chirtsmas

Here is what i got

mario stirkers charged(good game)

a sled

a credit card with 25$

a kiddie basketball hoop for my room

sims 2 for PC

My wii remote and 2 numchucks come in the mail tommorow

Everything i wanted plus more:)

Merry Chirstmas

The day chirst was born is here. When Chirtstans get gifts. I just want to say i am a chirstan i go to church the most sundays i can. Anyway i wish u guys all a Merry Chirtsmas. i hope santa brings u guys what u want.U better have been nice;)

My union has been formed!!!!!!

My union has been form after lots of waitng want to Join The TNTCU ( the nintendo tourney and contest union). This is where we have alot of contest and tourneys. Plus talk about games and othe stuff join today.

click here to join

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