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mariosonic91 Blog

I got my wii online back, lets brawl!

After my usb F*cked up on me, i took the safer route by getting a lan adaptar. I have quite a few games if you would like to play with me online. Im aware i may not have all the friend codes possible

Brawl friend code : 0645-5986-1978

Dr mairo: Not very popular for online but a fun puzzle game.

Nights wii: The MY DREAM garden, and i really wanted to try racing someone.

Sonic riders ZG: No online races sadly but you can chanlenge me to your best time trial record on any course.

Blast works wii: Send me some creations and levels or ill send some to you, i have an arwing ship and im hoping to make a complete mario level ( mario ship, koopa enemy ships, blocks in the backround stuff like that)

Elebits: another "send me your levels" its at least wii connect24. Lets see how well i remember using my gun.

Thats it , im still tryin to get mario kart wii and the other ones are leaderboards u cant do anything with ( mario and soinc, and Rabbids 2) Thanks for reading i look forward to playing against you:)

Where has pac-man been?

Hes supposidly Namco's mascot still, hes part of the reason gaming became such a huge thing, muchin all those dots in the arcades back then but where is he now?. He hasnt really shown a his face in a game since 2006. possibly one in early 07. I know mascots cant be around all the time but they usually make some kind of apperance. He has yet to truly enter the 7th generation of gaming and be on soemthing thats not downloadable. It makes me wonder if i have to wait for his 30th anniversery to get my pacman world 4.

Im back already

Yeah it seems my dad cant live without his computer ( overexaggeration) but the point is since he has to check his mail and such i already got another computer. This one is actually ours and well back:)

I will not be on for a while

My family borrowed a computer from a friend for the longest time and he wants it back. I may slightly be online, but thats only because i can go online through my wii. If you message me or post a comment i may respond to , please be patient cause it takes a while to type stuff on the wii.

sonics getting a sword?

Thanks to

The Wii Online Union

I have been introduced to another soinc game and im confused as all f*ck. The game is called Sonic and the Black night, supposidly revealed on the next issue of nintendo power. They cant possibly be making another sonic game already, they still have 4 versions of sonic unleashed to be working on. Im also surprised to see sonic getting a weapon, he holds a huge sword in the picture and i dont see how well they can combine that with sonics speed. Though its to early to really grow doubt, im worried that this is gonna be like the situation of 2006 for sonic, where they actually left one game unfinished ( sonic 06 or next gen whatever u like to call it) to work on the other ( secret rings). Lets not repeat the past sega and finish unleashed before working on this one.

Pikmin for wii is Confirmed!

The roundtable today had a small improvement at least adding one more game to the hardcore fans, as well as some more interesting facts about the animal crossing wii. God i hope he wasnt joking.

2nd thoughts on Nintendos Conference

Im sure many are disappointed as am i, but u start to realize nintedndo is going a little smart again. The wii was created to pull in nongamers as well as the hardcore fans. Games like wii music and the snowboarding game are doing the same thing. Many of us had doubts about the wii, but nintendo proved to us that motion controls can work. Now we have our doubts about such games as wii music but somehow well find out that its not that bad. If you dont agree with me thats fine but there is one other point id like to get across. If your not satisfied with whats coming out this year, then maybe you can catch up . Can anyone here actually say " I own every single videogame ive ever wanted" ? Or " Ive beaten every single videogame ive ever had"


Im DISAPOINTED by Nintendos conference

Are they speaking another day? Are they finally sitting back to let 3rd party companies actually try making wii games? I dont know any of these answers but i dont see as much new as id expect. I am glad animal crossing wii is coming, ive been waiting for that one for a while. The Grand theft auto series will be making its 1st appearance on a portable system, thats nice and hopefully be just as great. It seems that Nintendo sitting at the top again with their sales but now it looks like there not trying to defend that position. With the E3 lineup, it seems that the 360 or ps3 could easily take the position of being the top selling. What they did say is that its no longer acting as a system you buy on the holidays, its more like u casually buy it anytime of the year. This might be why theyre taking the actions they are, but it left many of us upset. It was time to have nintendo revisit many other series like star fox, or pikmin, heck the so rumored kid icarus wouldve been nice. I just hope the games they do have bring alot more potential than what they showed, kinda like the way people had doubts about the wii when it was 1st revealed. Thanks for reading.

Most anticipatted wii games of E3 2008 #5.

Sonic Unleashed Wii version

We have already seen alot from this game: some gameplay, the wolf teaser trailer, but we have only seen wii screenshots. Some wii gameplay would be nice to see at E3 and if you look at certian games like secret rings and his attack called SPEED BREAK, you know that the wii is capable of pulling off high speeds just as fast as the 360/ps3 version. The combat will also use wii motion techniques. If sega is spending as much of a budget as they say they're doing, then this version should turn out just as great. There is one thing though id like to see from any version....